Hi Ladies,
I am running a few posts lately
. My question is simple really. DS is teething his 2nd year molars and having sleep trouble, particularly the nap. In the past I have used PD (initial sleep training) GW..WI/WO and when poorly staying in the nursery with occasional back rub etc. Now that Sam is 21 months non of these things seem to work anymore. The moment I step in and then leave he get so much more upset. So when he is crying IMYM I am at a loss
. This happened today at nap PD and he got worse with all my efforts. I instinctively know and have known if I leave him for 5 minutes he will calm down (usually
if not I go back in) he did start to calm today, after 3 minutes his cry was starting and stopping and he fell asleep around 10 minutes later.
But: I am riddled with guilt because it's the cry I have always immediately responded to in the past. What do I do if every other thing increases his upset and frustration. I feel helpless and useless when this happens to be honest. After everything I've learned I don't know how to deal with this
He only napped for 37 minutes then woke up upset again
Am I alone in this problem or do Toddlers all start to kick back when their personalities get stronger