My LO turned 10 months a little over a week ago. For the past few days, she's been going down and waking up from her naps crying/screaming. She USE to be so easy and calm and now I fear every nap. Here's a brief little schedule:
7am - wake up (most of the time, she's awake before this, usually 6:30ish and she lays in her crib and plays with her hands or just rests quietly)
7am - 9am : breastfed, breakfast, play time
9:15/9:30am-10:30/11 : nap 1
11am - 1:30-pm : lunch, expressed milk in a cup, play time
1:30pm/2pm - 3/4pm : nap 2
4pm-6:30pm : snack, playtime, dinner, bath
7pm : bedtime (asleep by 7:30)
We use to have to bottle feed her right before her naps as a way to soothe her. She never fell asleep while eating, but the eating did make her drowsy. We stopped that 2 weeks ago and it didn't really affect her nap lengths or her attitude before or after naps. I still breastfeed her right before bedtime.
As I stated earlier, the past several days have been terrible for her naps. She will SCREAM when we go into her room (something she has never done) and then start to cry uncontrollably in her crib. The morning nap isn't too bad; most of the time, she cries for less than 5 minutes and then falls asleep. Her afternoon nap is the worst. We will go in to change her diaper and she will cry on the changing table. I've tried to alter her wake time before the afternoon nap. I've tried 2, 2.5, 3 and even 4 hours between. The 4 hours seemed to be the best, but, that was only 1 day and I think I'll try that again today. But, she still cried when I took her back to her room, just not as long. Her nights have been pretty normal. No crying at all. She did have one night where she cried out 6 times but went back to sleep. Last night, she cried out twice (all of which is under a minute) and went back to sleep.
She has been crawling for quite some time (probably 2 months now) and have been pulling up and standing for 2 weeks now. She started cruising about a week ago.
Can someone please tell me what I should do? I am so worried when nap times are coming up and I hate to hear her scream/cry. It's terrible. I know that developmental milestones as well as separation anxiety can reek havoc on the naps, but, I want to make sure what the cause is (and it's not something I can fix). Am I not keeping her awake long enough between naps? Today was the first day that she cried before her morning nap. I woke her up at 7am (something I haven't done in months - she's usually awake by 6:50am) and she was rubbing her eyes by 9:15am. As soon as I stepped into her bedroom, she started to soon as I put her in her crib, she started screaming.
Please help....