Author Topic: GW for NW not going well. Any help please?  (Read 653 times)

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GW for NW not going well. Any help please?
« on: October 24, 2011, 15:10:55 pm »
Hi, really need some help with this now as we are all just shattered from lack of sleep. DD has had sleep issues all her life and only started falling asleep independently at 14 months. She has STTN for weeks at a time but it never lasts. She has reflux but is medicated on Lansoprazole and it never seems to cause her a problem.

So recently the NW have become so bad that we started bringing DD into our bed. Thinking this had become a prop and was causing NW I decided last Wed enough was enough and so started using GW at each NW. First night was rough but she stayed in her cot all night, second night we had 3 NW but I only had to rub her back for a second and then could WO. Then third night was pretty awful with hours of screaming, but again I managed to keep her in her cot and slept in her room. Then last night... it all went wrong and I caved! I know, I put her through all that for nothing but after 5 hours of her waking every 10 mins with me in the room or not I decided there was more to this and she came in our bed. We were all exhausted and I just couldn't understand why things were getting worse instead of better. Once she was in our bed she wasn't crying but did still keep waking all the time for a couple of hours until she finally fell into a deep sleep. 

So I guess what I am asking is does this sound like a prop or do you think there is more to this? I think seeing as she still falls asleep happily in her cot on her own and doesn't really settle in our bed either that there is something else bothering her. Any ideas please? I am at my wits end now and just so tired, it is worse than when she was newborn!

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Re: GW for NW not going well. Any help please?
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2011, 20:53:20 pm »
Hi there, I don't really have any useful advice but I am in the same boat, have just started doing GW with my boy to try undo months of AP (sleeping in my arms) and hopefully to resolve the multiple NWs. I am not expecting this to be an easy process and would probably takes at least couple of months.. I guess what i am wanted to say is.. Hanging in there,  sounds like you are doing great so far!

Offline Roseii

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Re: GW for NW not going well. Any help please?
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2011, 21:16:10 pm »
Hi there, can we have a look at your routine? I totally understand you caving, I've been there time and time again ;)

Is she teething perhaps? Does medicating make any difference?

Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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Re: GW for NW not going well. Any help please?
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2011, 13:06:35 pm »
Thanks for the replies ladies. DD has been teething (all 4 first molars) on and off for a couple of months now but medicating makes little or no difference to the NW. I do wonder though because she tends to wake 4-6 hrs after BT (when she had her meds), so maybe as they are wearing off? She point blank refuses meds in the night though, will not take it and spits it out if we force the issue!

Charli here is our current routine...

wu 7.30
A time 5h 15
Nap 12.45-3.30 at latest (anywhere between 2 and 3 hrs sleep)
A time between 4.5 and 5 hrs
sleep 8.00

On two days of the week she is at daycare and only naps for about an hour (on a good day) she then tends to catch up on sleep during her naps at home the following days. That is why they are quite long, at one point I was limiting it to 2 hrs but that made no difference to NW either and she was miserable when I woke her.

Any ideas that jump out? I am stumped again.

Offline Roseii

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Re: GW for NW not going well. Any help please?
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2011, 07:04:55 am »
Hmm your routine looks good to me :-\ My DD2 is the same, likes to spit back out meds in the night!

Have you tried lying on a mattress next to her bed when she wakes? Don't PU but calm her with your voice and sleepy phrase? I am thinking this is just some natural regression as it's been less than 3m since she was properly sleepig yk?

Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the human race