Author Topic: Swap nap times?  (Read 3437 times)

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Offline susaninlondon

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Re: Swap nap times?
« Reply #30 on: October 21, 2011, 18:04:12 pm »
SC22 what a great day, heres ours
Up 610
sleep 910-1035 (its really felt like I just got him down in time IYKWIM)
Let him sleep as long as he liked as I was desperate for a long nap after 3 days without them
Up 1035-135 again 3 hrs A
sleep 1.35-215 - 40 mins exactly and wokeup crying a def needing more sleep. I have never been able to get him back to sleep by going in not once, ever so I always leave him to see if he will resettle and then pick him up if not!!
Bed 645

Dont know what to do about the 2nd A time I dont understand if this is UT or OT!???

Yes my boy is doing a very small amount of backwards crawling and going round in circles on his bum,,,not enough to properly tire him out yet

Have a good one

Offline Scarecrow22

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Re: Swap nap times?
« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2011, 06:07:09 am »
Just off to a motor racing circuit today, so naps will be ?!?!??!

Before we go, can't remember if we talked of this before... What do you do to resettle?
And where does LO sleep for those naps?

I thought I never could but one day did 40m without success, next half hour and did it...since then been a LOT better. I also swapped morning nap to buggy for a while so the cot-sleep bag-favourite teddy combo was supposed to be a signal that THIS was the big nap. Have no idea what helped and what didn't, but the buggy thing might be worth a try???
I feel like last person on Earth who should be offering ideas on this, but offer it up in the spirit that one day a suggestion will strike a chord with you...

Have a good weekend

Offline susaninlondon

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Re: Swap nap times?
« Reply #32 on: October 22, 2011, 07:11:53 am »
Another EW here, 545am....
 ???I gave up trying to resettle after 3 months, it just got him angry and wound up, when he is awake he is awake. Sorry dont know what you mean about 40 min without success? did you just hold her and eventually put her down?
Yep he decided at 6 months that he was no longer going to sleep in the buggy or carseat, cot only in pitch black room.
All tips appreciated
Hope you have a great day