My DD is 9 weeks and falls asleep independently every night at BT and for her naps provided I put her down before she gets overtired. Over the last few weeks she has often been waking after 45 mins and I have either had to resettle her, or get her up. However, for the last 3 days she has been in her crib for 2 hours across lunchtime. The first day she was pretty much completely quiet for 2 hours and I figured she must be asleep the whole time. Then the last 2 naps she has cried out intermittently, when I have a look, she is asleep. The noises come at 45 mins ish but she doesn't sound really distressed so I haven't gone in, and she seems to go quiet again. However the noises (sometimes a cry, sometimes a yelp, sometimes a quick 'chatter') come at random times too (not just at 45 mins).
My question is: Is this normal? Are these random noises a sign that her sleep is not very deep and therefore not as restorative as it should be? Or is it normal/fine if a baby cries out and resettles themselves several times during each nap?
Any thoughts would be really appreciated, thank you