Author Topic: Earthquake fears at BT  (Read 697 times)

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Earthquake fears at BT
« on: October 22, 2011, 06:51:49 am »
Last night out of the blue Caleb woke up and started talking about a "big shake" and he was quite upset about it, he refused to go to bed wihtout me (this has never happened before) I asked him if he had had a dream and he said yes and I asked what about and he said about a dog biting, so nothing to do with earthquakes that he spoke of.
I tried to put him into my bed but he still wouldnt go to sleep without me there, I put him back in his own bed and lay with him for about 10mins to help him relax into bed but still he wouldnt sleep once I left. He just kept talking about a big shake in his bed.

Now this kind of freaked me out a little because the last time he said this we were heading out to daycare and he said "a big shake in the bed" and did the hand motions for shaking and I remember saying to him "no, theres no shakes, we havent had any shakes in a while" and that afternoon we had two major shakes of 5.5 and 6.3, very traumatic ones. So when he said this last night and I said to him (yet again) "no honey, we havent had any shakes in a while (which we havent)" I felt uneasy. In the end I decided to let him sleep in my bed and i would just go to bed early.

So roll on today, theres been no mention of earhtquakes etc, but as soon as I mention its bedtime he says "no mummy, big shakes in there"
now part of me wants to say "there wont be any shakes" but I cant garuantee that, we just get them all the time. adn If i was to say that there wont be any and there is.... well then he wont trust me.

So tonight I tell him that I know shakes can be scary but Mummy is right here and I will come straight to him if theres any shakes. I kiss him goodnight and leave. he comes out again and says "Mummy, shakes, big shakes!" I put him back to bed and tell him that I am right here and I will protect him and he says "no shakes Mummy? no shakes?" and I say "no, theres no shakes right now honey"
I leave and he comes out again and says "no shakes mummy?" adn I put him back to bed and say "i will come and check on you later to make sure you are ok" and he says "ok, no shakes mummy?" and again I say "theres no shakes right now sweetheart, i will look after you"

so that was about 10mins ago that all finished. Now im really nervous and everytime the house creaks I think theres an aftershock coming.

So how else can I handle this if it continues?

weird thing is... got up this morning and last night there was a 7.3 earthquake off the top of the norht island.........

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Re: Earthquake fears at BT
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2011, 12:01:13 pm »
{{Hugs}} Jo!

I can't imagine how frightening it must be for you all!

I think you are doing the right thing by reassuring him as much as you can but you are right that you can't promise him it won't happen again. Does he have a night-light or a special toy that he sleeps with to help him feel a little more secure?

Talking to him as much as possible during the day might also help to reassure him a little too.


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Re: Earthquake fears at BT
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2011, 18:59:30 pm »
I never thought to talk about it during the day, I didnt want to keep planting it back in his head but i guess its not a bad idea because these shakes will be with us a while yet :(

thanks, good to know Im doing ok with it :)

Offline sianie

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Re: Earthquake fears at BT
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2011, 19:37:16 pm »
I guess maybe talking to him during the day when things don't seem so scary might take some of the fear out of the situation.....I wonder if there are any books you could borrow from the library or somewhere that are aimed at young children that can help to explain earthquakes in a simple way?


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Re: Earthquake fears at BT
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2011, 19:58:20 pm »
agree - keep talking about it, in a positive way + explain what is happening etc - get him to talk about his fears so you can help put them at ease .... you are doing well - must be really tough
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