Author Topic: Activity time- playing by himself for how long??  (Read 2554 times)

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Activity time- playing by himself for how long??
« on: July 25, 2011, 12:40:46 pm »
Our baby boy is 4 months old (today!) :)
For the past few weeks, I have noticed he needs our attention for most of every waking moment... he used to amuse himself for 15-20 min. periods, sometimes longer. But now, he seems to notice if we are not in his sight.
Should he be playing by himself for longer periods of time at this age during his A time?

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Re: Activity time- playing by himself for how long??
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2011, 14:06:15 pm »
Honestly, my DS didn't do independent play for long periods of time until he was ~18 months old.  At 4 months, I wouldn't expect 15-20 minutes to be the norm...for us, it was just a few minutes at a time.  Less when he wanted to be mobile and wanted to be moved around.  Now, he'll do about 15-20 minutes of one thing, 5 of another, 10 of another...flitting back and forth like a butterfly--a very energetic butterfly :)

At 4 months old, they're getting more and more interested in the things around them, more easily distracted.  Also, just like you said, he's starting to track your movements.  So, maybe try a change of scenery or a new toy if he's fussing.  But don't feel bad or that he's never going to learn independent play if he doesn't want to/can't handle entertaining himself for long periods of time anymore.  Some babies can, others can; it's really relative and normal :)

HTH a bit!  Hoping others will share their experiences, too :)
*formerly tersaseda*


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Re: Activity time- playing by himself for how long??
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2011, 02:12:42 am »
With DS I found that independent play came and went.  At 4 months not so much but around 6-9 months he enjoyed his toys more and was moving around a lot more so that kept him occupied but from 10 months to now at 11.5 months I find he gets very frustrated and bored more easily so he wants me a lot.

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Re: Activity time- playing by himself for how long??
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2011, 21:10:14 pm »
DS (now 7 months) has been happy to play on his own for about 30 mins since before 4 months but usually only in his first A time of the day.  It's almost like he's missed his toys over night and doesn't care if he has me with him or not as long as he can play at his jungle gym!  He doesn't even eat when he gets up - he has to have his toys first! By his last A time of the day everything is totally different though, he wants me non-stop and if I am not careful he will cry when I try to leave the room to prepare his feed or get his bath ready etc even though I only leave the room for about 3 mins at a time.
One thing I find is that a change of scene works well.  At 4 months he could do another 20 mins play in the bathroom whilst I had a shower which he doesn't so much like now because these days he wants to be sitting up and I won't let him sit in the bathroom because it has hard floor and if/when he topples he'll bump and cry.  We have different toys in different rooms so that he gets a chance to miss them and be happily reunited. (gosh sounds like I never play with him doesn't it! I do honest!)

Offline JBmommy

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Re: Activity time- playing by himself for how long??
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2011, 02:24:49 am »
If you have a chance, check out the book "Wonder Weeks".  The basic theory is that little ones go through a series of mental leaps every couple of months or so.  When they are in the middle of a leap, they are more clingy, want more attention, etc.  I think week 19 is one of the big ones so that might explain the change in his independent play. 

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Re: Activity time- playing by himself for how long??
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2011, 10:32:19 am »
Was going to say the same thing about "wonder weeks".  My two went through an incerdibly clingy phase at 19 weeks that lasted a couple of weeks (it was a little tricky to say the least!)  They're back to their happy little selves now though and can amuse themselves for 15-20mins as long as they're not tired/hungry/teething!!!