You had to go to non-medical specialists to find out all of that, right? I know that whatever they tested for with the GI was neg. or normal, but I'm not even exactly sure what all they tested.
Well, Dr. yesterday was more supportive, or at least accepting of my stance, than I'd hoped. She doesn't agree with me (about his gut health or that it means we shouldn't be vaxing right now), but she didn't push formula at all and agrees that getting good quality food into him at this point is probably fine instead of formula. He doesn't really seem to have absorption issues based on the results of the tests they've done, so its hard to imagine that the formula would be easier for him to absorb.
He weighed 13 lbs .5 oz., so we JUSt made it to 13 pounds which is what I was really hoping for. Only 1/2 pound gain in the last month, though, so not great. They are sending us for one last test (which I thoguht they'd already done) for cystic fibrosis. I'm nervous that they even think that is a possibility, but its highly unlikely and he really doesn't have many of the symptoms other than slow weight gain (but he's still tall for his age, so he is growing) and the excess mucus, but he doesn't have lung mucus build up, even after being sick all last week. We go in Wed. and should know within a day or two.