I really need some help to clarify what might be going on with my LO! It's a long post sorry...
I have a 7 month old who has always slept amazing at night and has been a very peaceful baby during the day , entertaining himself no problem and happy to be left by himself playing for 30 mins at a time.
However, in the last 3 weeks or so, he has become increasingly in need of attention during the day and this past week has been waking at night 3-5 times, and last night every hour. When he wakes in the night he is screaming like in pain, when is left in room on his own in the day he cries quite hard beginning with a whiny sort of panicky cry, even if I am talking to him the whole time - and as soon as you come back and give attention he stops. At night he stops as soon as he is picked up (Upright) and screams as soon as you even approach the cot! He has always been a sleep fighter, and we usually have success with the paci and sh/pat, but often don't get him into bed before he starts to fall asleep, so I suppose he is used to being held to sleep abit.
The last week he has had a cold and a fever, and he also cut his first two teeth 2 weeks ago. He has clearly been teething (dribbling lots, off his food, pulling his ear) and he is also desperate to sit up - he's nearly there. We have also been to stay with his Grandparents and aunty for ten days where he got alot of attention and before that had some family to stay so again alot of attention. I was worried at the time that maybe they were spoiling him with all the attention, but I am not sure if his fussiness is due to wanting to sit, teething or illness.
Now, at night he seemed to be in pain and couldn't breathe from the cold, so I was comforting him by picking him up. I sensed that he was no longer in need of this and last night when he woke I tried to keep him in the cot and sh/pat, rub his arm/tummy, sing to him etc, which helped sometimes, but by 3am he was wide awake. He would chat for a bit and then when he thought I wasn't there would scream again!
Plus, he has also been great in the mornings up til now - he would stay in his cot til we get him up at 7.30, happily playing and talking. Now he wakes and cries immediately and I guess becasue he is off his food, he is more hungry so we are having to feed him earlier too.
So my questions are - is this normal? should I try correcting it or just wait for a bit longer to see if he is teething still or still ill? what should I do about it?
Extra info:
He has a good feeding routine - 5-6 oz formula every four hours plus solids three times a day (although been off his food the last week) but naps have always been hit and miss. He's a cat napper no matter what I try. He will sometimes have 2 longer naps, but mostly will have 3 30 min naps.
Usually we start the day at 7.30 and in bed by 7.30pm, with a bath and good BT routine.
Thank you for reading, please help!