My DD is similar, although it's not always every hour. And with the time change I now give up on re-plugging her around 6am as she's often wide awake. She has a paci as well, but I don't think it's a paci addiction. She's gone through this phase before. Because she sleeps in our room, I found that I used to re-plug her when she didn't actually need it. If she really cries, I re-plug, but often she resettles within a minute. I'd try that. In the past we went through a week where I was re-plugging about 8 times a night, and when I stopped re-plugging unless she really needed it, I found that the NWs were much less frequent.
It could be that your DS is teething. When they are falling out of their deep sleep, they tend to feel the pain more and wake up easier. Good luck!