Ha! Just read through this thread and shuddered for dear life!

He's still REALLY tired alot of the time. Now he is at the point that if I put him down for a nap he will go to sleep and he would sleep for hours if I let him. I dont tend to let him though unless things are pretty bad...which is about once every 2-3 weeks he'll have a nap at the weekend. He doesn't sleep on the sofa anymore either.
I am still pretty torn about this given that we have been going through 1-0 for well over 6 months and its only very slightly better. Part of me thinks I should just put him down for a nap maybe once a week (maybe more) as he would take it but I dread EW creeping in (altough we are getting EW a few times a week now anyways) and the bedtime shenanigans but having this thread dragged up has really made me think that this has been going on for a really long time and he's still a mess most days. He had always been a high sleep needs kid so the nap drop took me by surprise.
Thanks for asking Clare, you have really given me food for thought here. I am putting him down for a sleep tomorrow and going to see what gives.