My son turned 6 months last week. He has been on a 4-hr EASY for several months, and started solids at 4.5 months. His naps are short so we have more of an EASAE schedule. He usually has 5-6 breastfeeds in a day; his feedings look like this:
7:00 BF
8:00 Solids
11:00 BF
12:00 Solids
3:00 BF
5:00 Solids
7:00 BF
1-2 nightfeed
In the past few weeks, I feel that my supply has started to fall; certainly the amount I pump has decreased (from 4-5 oz to 3-4 oz per pumping session). When he nurses, he usually takes 12-16 mins. He seems satisfied after that, but I keep feeling that maybe its not enough. His dr. said that with 3 meals/day, he may take a little less milk/day and that is fine as long as he is growing,peeing,pooping.
The reason I'm a little worried is that I have sometimes given him 2 oz formula after a BF session, and he drinks most of it. Does this mean he does need more milk? I have met my 6 months BF goal, so I'm okay with supplementing or moving entirely to formula. I keep wondering if continuing to BF is keeping him a little hungry - not enought to make him visibly cranky, but enough to affect his naps etc ...