Author Topic: 6 month old - BF not enough?  (Read 920 times)

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6 month old - BF not enough?
« on: November 22, 2011, 15:10:43 pm »
My son turned 6 months last week. He has been on a 4-hr EASY for several months, and started solids at 4.5 months. His naps are short so we have more of an EASAE schedule. He usually has 5-6 breastfeeds in a day; his feedings look like this:

7:00 BF
8:00 Solids

11:00 BF
12:00 Solids

3:00 BF
5:00 Solids

7:00 BF

1-2 nightfeed

In the past few weeks, I feel that my supply has started to fall; certainly the amount I pump has decreased (from 4-5 oz to 3-4 oz per pumping session). When he nurses, he usually takes 12-16 mins. He seems satisfied after that, but I keep feeling that maybe its not enough. His dr. said that with 3 meals/day, he may take a little less milk/day and that is fine as long as he is growing,peeing,pooping.

The reason I'm a little worried is that I have sometimes given him 2 oz formula after a BF session, and he drinks most of it. Does this mean he does need more milk? I have met my 6 months BF goal, so I'm okay with supplementing or moving entirely to formula. I keep wondering if continuing to BF is keeping him a little hungry - not enought to make him visibly cranky, but enough to affect his naps etc ...

Offline oneplusone

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Re: 6 month old - BF not enough?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2011, 16:46:59 pm »
Just wanted to say that the amount you pump isn't necessarily an indication of your supply. Babies are much more efficient at draining the breast than a pump. I'd keep breastfeeding and offer him formula. I think if he's hungry/thirsty he'll drink it, if not he won't.
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Offline Erin M

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Re: 6 month old - BF not enough?
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2011, 20:15:00 pm »
The thing about bottle feeding is that it doesn't allow babies to self-regulate like BFing does.  Most babies who take a bottle, if you offer them one, they're going to drink what's in it, regardless of whether or not they're truly hungry. 

PP is right, that the amount you pump doesn't indicate what your baby is getting, and at 6 months with especially my first, I found my body was really able to self-regulate better and stop overproducing quite so much (happened sooner with my second 2). 

There are lots of possibilities for crankiness at this age -- loads of developmental stuff going on, possible beginnings of teething, things like that.  It honestly sounds like you're doing great and I wouldn't even worry about supplementing.  Also, there is a 6 month growth spurt as well, something else to look out for!

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Re: 6 month old - BF not enough?
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2011, 14:11:51 pm »
I just wanted to pop by and give some encouragement.  Our routine looks almost exactly like yours down to the times.  We too are struggling with NWing and not knowing if my lo is getting enough during the day.  I have rented a scale from my LC to monitor her intake during the day to put my mind at rest.  I also had the issue with pumping and wondering if my supply was dipping.  It took a long time for me to understand that pumping is not a measure of supply because baby is much better and more efficient.  Hang in there and let me know how you get along.  We are in the exact same boat.  We have not done the supplementing b/c as Erin stated babies will take what is on a bottle whether hungry or not because it is much easier.  If your lo truly needs those extra two ounces you might want to try to pump for about 5 min after a feed to boost supply a little. Hang in there  XOXO
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