Author Topic: Attempting to transition to 4hour EASY, afraid I've totally screwed it up.  (Read 833 times)

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Offline ENBauswell

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My son is 4 months old on Thursday (in two days) and I've discovered that he can go 4 hours between feedings. Unfortunately, our afternoon naps have fallen apart, and he's a crying mess until bedtime.  He sleeps through the night from 7 until 7 with an 11pm DF, but last night he woke at 1:30 and 4:00 (went back down fairly easily) and I'm afraid that the sloppy daytime sleep is finally catching up to him.

Before I read BW, he was actually already in an 3 hour EASY routine, napping three times a day (for at least 1 1/2 hours) and sleeping through the night. I read the book for tips on making bedtime easier (he cries/screams while settling down.)

I feel like I shouldn't have tried to transition him--he was doing incredibly well on the 3 hour, but it seemed like he wasn't interested in eating so frequently, so I started to stretch his A time. 

He can stay awake for 1.45 to 2 hours, but he only naps for 1.30 in the morning. In the afternoon, I'm having trouble figuring out when to put him down, and I don't know if he's OT or UT. We've been all over the place.

On Friday, his EASY was:
wake: 6:35
E: 6:50
S: 8:35-10:30
E: 10:50
E: 3:00
E: 6:45
S: 7:00
DF: 11:00

I was ecstatic!

But yesterday we had
W: 6:20
E: 6:45
S: 8:20-10:00
E: 10:45
S: 12:00-12:35 (tried shh/pat and pu/pd for quite a while)
     finally slept from 1:45-3:00
E: 3:00
S: 5:00-5:45
E: 6:45
S: 7:00

My biggest concern is that he is at my mother-in-law's during the afternoon 3 days a week, and she keeps telling me "he doesn't want to sleep." I tell her that he's too young to "not want to sleep." I tell her that he's actually pretty tired, and that letting him only nap for on 45 minutes is compounding the problem.

I'm wondering if I should scale back to the 3.5 EASY.  He was doing well on that, even though I know he can go longer between feedings. I'm stressed, and I think he's stressed, too. 

Offline elmarie

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Re: Attempting to transition to 4hour EASY, afraid I've totally screwed it up.
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2011, 11:47:37 am »
Yes, i think you do need to do the transition because his ready for it and it is more appropriate for his age:   Here is a link that you will find useful:

be very sensitive to the A time.  If they become OT it will start manifesting in sleeping issues like EW and NW.  Make sure to have a good winding down routine to make him nice and sleepy and relax.  Keep us posted  ;D

Offline ENBauswell

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Re: Attempting to transition to 4hour EASY, afraid I've totally screwed it up.
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2011, 12:34:45 pm »
I read that post on transitioning, and it makes so much sense on paper--but sometimes I feel like we're moving backwards. He'll stay awake for 2 hours one day but then start to crash after 1.5 hours the next.
I'm just struggling when he wakes at a different time every day and naps for different lengths of time.

I guess I'll stick with it and hope for the best.

As far as winding down, are there any tips besides the 4s? My LO seems to become agitated sometimes--he starts fussing, sometimes crying. Maybe that means I've waited too long? Or could it be that crying is part of his winding down process?

Offline Claudiamummy

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Re: Attempting to transition to 4hour EASY, afraid I've totally screwed it up.
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2011, 13:16:55 pm »
Hi there, does his A time reduce when he has been really busy playing or out and about?

My DD is 7.5 months and always needs a bit more w/d in the pm after toys etc... We look at a book quietly before full w/d

Love and adore my perfect little textbook/touchy DD
Born April 10th 2011...thank you to Dh for such an amazing gift after only 1 year of marriage!

Offline clairebear79

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Re: Attempting to transition to 4hour EASY, afraid I've totally screwed it up.
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2011, 13:34:57 pm »

Another suggestion for you.  Looking at your EASY, on the Saturday morning he did 2hrs A, 1h 40 nap, 2hrs A, 35min nap. 

At that age, I found with my DS that if he didn't sleep the full 2hrs, he couldn't handle the full 2hr A time without becoming OT.  I suspect that may be why you only got a 30min nap, b/c he did a 2hr A after a 1h 40 nap.  So perhaps if you get a slightly shorter nap again, try reducing the next A time slightly, say by 15mins & see if that helps.

Another thing worth mentioning is that often the first A time is slightly shorter than the following A time, so if he can last 2hrs in the morning & then sleeps a full 2hr nap, he might actually cope with slightly longer before his next nap, maybe 10-15mins more, and this might get you a longer PM nap than 1h 15 too.

Oh & BTW 45min naps are pretty common place at this age - its a developmental thing, but obviously insufficient for him to last all day on.
