My DS is 2.7 years old and has always been a great sleeper. He has gone down for naps from 1-3 p.m. or 1:30-3:30 since he was 14 months old. He still goes down at this time and sleeps soundly. He has only missed this nap a handful of times and it ain't pretty. He gets very cranky and it makes him completely overtired and interferes with his night sleep. Well, here's the situation: He is now up until 10-12 at night. He stays in his bed, but he just isn't tired. He used to take this nap and sleep from 8:30 p.m.-8 a.m. So I am wondering what to do. Just another tidbit of information is that he is a bear if you wake him from a nap. Should I maybe try 1-2:30 for a bit and deal with the wrath of my adorable little bear? Or, is the inevitable coming...dropping the nap?