While trying to deal with my 6 week old's OT due to difficulty going to sleep, I am trying to see what's the best way to settle him down to night sleep given that by then he is very mucn OT. What I do is, try to AP him for the nap before the night sleep although this is not very succesfull, my LO doesn't seem to want to sleep in my arms, pram, or car.... then we start the night time ritual - bath, bottle, lights out, soft music, swadlle, sit with him, and into bed. I found that the combination of bath and bottle "gets him so in the mood" to sleep that I can barely get him swaddled before he closes his eyes and doses off (this is regardless of how early i move the night sleep to due to the OT). I quickly put him down in bed and for the past three days that was it - he slept straight through to DF. Not that I am complaining but this is confusing me a bit - does he learn how to fall asleep on his own in this manner or will he end up associating the bottle with sleep and this will become a prop? if so - should I insist on keeping him awake after the bottle? for how long?