I’ve posted on the night sleep forum but maybe this is more of a BF issues so here it is. This past week my LO 8 months started to wake for a feeding at night. The times vary from 10pm, 2:30am, 1am. This happened 3 nights in a row, fourth night she slept through and on the fifth night she was up at 1am again. If my husband tries to sooth her she starts to cry and clearly is asking to be nursed. After I nurse she goes right back to sleep. During the day I’ve also noticed she is more distracted and not nursing as well and either wants to play or is bit fussy at times. I can get her to nurse more during the day by trying diff. positions or giving her the other side before she finishes the first so sometimes I’m moving her from side to side and she will suck for few seconds then sits up starts to play etc. Sometimes she BF better. She is also getting restless when eating solids past few days and we haven’t introduced any new foods or increased solids as she’s been constipated for weeks and just getting over it now I think/hope.
My LO started STTN at 2.5 months (12-13hrs), at 5.5 months she started to wake around 5:30am for a feeding and then goes to sleep to 6-7am. Now at 8 months she is asking to be nursed twice at night and her early morning feeding past few days is occurring 4:30-5am and she’s waking up closer to 6am for the day. Why would a baby that was able to sleep for 13hrs need to be fed more frequently as she gets older.
I'm also thinking teething but there is no gum swelling and my dd1 got her first tooth at 12 mnths so don't want to put this on teething.
This is her EASY:
5-6am BF and back to sleep
6:30-7am BF
7:30am solid food purees
9am nap usually 1 to 1.5hrs
10:30am BF
11:45am solid food purees
1:30pm nap usually 1 to 1.5 hrs
3pm BF
5:00solid food finger foods mainly as an activity to join her 3year old sister and me during dinner
Depending on her naps and how tired she is the BT is between 6 and 6:30 (prior tried for later bedtime to get her to drop EW feed but never worked)
5:30/6:00 BF, bath and bed
Any suggestions to get her to nurse better during the day and what to do about NW I would appreciate.