Not sure if this is the right spot...feel free to move.
Ds had a BAD cough for a month that woke him up a few times a night. It was mainly gone during the day, unless he was running around. We checked the furnace filter and realized it hadn't been changed in 2 years!!! (We moved in the spring so hadn't really used the furnace until just before the cough started. )
Took ds to the doctor as it got better when we changed the filter but came back. She said that he likely has asthma (dh had it as a child, I had it when I lived in London, my mom had it as a kid). She gave us a prescription for a puffer and suggested giving him a decongestant even though he is only 2 1/2. We read about turning the heat down and decided to try that for a week before trying the puffer or medicine..... It worked like a charm. If his room is 17 degrees celcius he doesn't cough, if it's higher he does. Problem solved without a puffer at such a young age....we're over the moon. The only problem is I'm due with lo #2 in 4 weeks. What do we do? That just seems too cold for a newborn. Will it be ok with a swaddle and fleece sleeper? I'm guessing it would need a hat too. It seems cruel to make the baby wear a hat and what if it comes off but I also don't want ds taking a puffer at such a young age.
Maybe close ds's heat vent halfway?!?!