I've been BWing my DS since birth, but still have some questions regarding several items. It has been fairly successful, he goes down with minimal fussing (unless he's OT) but I'm confused on some things. I BF, he uses a paci and is swaddled for all sleep. They may not all fit in this category, but this is the one that I'm most concerned about. Just FYI - I BF, he uses a paci and is swaddled for all sleep.
1. I'm BFing and he's still waking randomly in the night (although the 1 am feed is becoming more consistent recently). I understand that if it's at random times, it's due to hunger so I don't try to soothe without feeding. I do not DF because I didn't see it as effective, but in reading another post about it I now understand that it may take a week to be effective so I may try again. Anyhow..my issue is that he seems to be waking between 5 - 6 am and is wide awake, so I've been getting up with him. During all NF he goes right to sleep in my arms, even when I burp him, and stays asleep until the next wake, so it's unusual that he is very awake so early. It seems like a NF but then he realizes he's not tired after he eats. His bed time is 7-7:30. Putting him to bed later has not helped (I didn't expect it to) and it's fairly consistent whether or not he had great naps that day or not. Any insight?
2. He often (but definitely not always) seems to need his paci popped back in within 45 mins of falling asleep for a nap and sometimes when he goes to bed. If I get it back in in time, most of the time he will fall back asleep and stay asleep, not needing it popped in again. Is this a prop?
3. I don't know what his mantra cry is. Because we often have such success resettling him as soon as we hear a noise, we don't wait to hear it. Should I? I've definitely tried to let him cry sometimes, but I have never ever identified a mantra cry. Am I interfering with his self-soothing, or is it good that he settles easily but with help?
Any insight to these issues would be very appreciated.