Author Topic: We had our allergy testing... some advice please  (Read 1890 times)

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We had our allergy testing... some advice please
« on: December 29, 2011, 20:58:47 pm »
Was a bit of a waste kinda i think...

So we discussed her history and the dr said from the get go, he thinks she is allergic but not the type of allergy they test for

So she was tested and she reacted slightly to all (slightly less for soya) but it was a negitive.

The dr said that due to her history he belives its a non IgE mediated allergy which rarely causes anaphalaxis (though we should stil avoid dairy in complete due to her last reaction)

he said the only way to know a non IgE mediated allergy is by food trials which he said we did when breast feeding anyway so he thinks its confirmed.

Because its not usually serious he suggests we food trial every 6 months, I am quite excited to do this

but i don't know what to do first or how to do it for the best

She is on anti biotics for a while due to a chest infection so ive got some time to plan

I was thinking of gluten as that opens alot more food options whats the best way to introduce it?

should i go softly softly and see if it builds up or just give a large amoutn and see?

DD1 Angel/Spirited - Glue ear
DD2 Angel - MPI, Excema, Late talker
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Re: We had our allergy testing... some advice please
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2012, 22:16:31 pm »
Hi Louisa, Do you feel that she has an intolerance to gluten or is it something you kept out of her diet due to the other issues? If so then I would go for it. I think I would start slowly and build up tbh.

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Re: We had our allergy testing... some advice please
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2012, 22:22:54 pm »
Given her reaction to the dairy I think I would go for a more gradual approach.  WHen we started dairy with DD2 I did the gradual approach and i did notice her reacting slightly but we were able to work through it and she has got used to it and built up her tolerance levels to it.  I think had I given a huge amount she would have reacted really badly and I would have panicked and declared the trial a fail.  KWIM? 

Offline ~*~Louisa~*~

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Re: We had our allergy testing... some advice please
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2012, 13:03:21 pm »
She reacted to gluten in my breast milk so the allergy clinic listed it in the confirmed non-IgE mediated allergies

I might get her some breakfast cerial with gluten in it and see, he said it should be done over 2 weeks but that was all the info he gave me lmao

Would this be okay

1 peice of cereal (for example a cherio) for like day 1 (just to be sure as she didnt have a gluten skin prick done as they ran out of gluten haha)

and then a handful of cherios (alyssas handful not mine) for the rest of the week in the morning, obviously if it is the non-IgE allergy it will react first day if intollerence it would build up right through the week

if she is okay then erm i dunno lol what else has gluten but no egg dairy soya or yeast in it lol i guess 2 handfuls of cherios ? unless anyone can think of something else i could try lol

DD1 Angel/Spirited - Glue ear
DD2 Angel - MPI, Excema, Late talker
DD3 Angel - Milk,Soy, nut,egg intollerence, Saliciyte sensitivity, Reflux

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Re: We had our allergy testing... some advice please
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2012, 19:26:22 pm »
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01