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Offline lula21

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Hi eveyone

I posted on here when I was going thru the worst of DS's allergy symptoms and I got a lot of help, I am hoping you can help me again.

Okay, cut a long story short I suspected there was something not quite right with DS when he was only 2 weeks old, took until 6 months old before dr's finally listened and was referred for tests, he was diagnosed with egg, milk and soy allergies.

Symptoms improved but never really went alltogether, he still has diarrhea, this can smell like vomit on a lot of occasions,  extremely painful wind that can keep him up from an hour to 6 hours a night until it has passed, we have never been able to comfort him properly he constantly seems uncomfortable.  He is not underweight but is on the lower end and has lost weight.

I am due to get an appointment through for the peadiatrician soon, I went to the GP with these symptoms and was advised to get actimel from the supermarket after having a 20 minute discussion about his dairy allergy  ???.

Anyhow in the mean time I wondered if any moms with celiacs experience can share their wisdom, and tell me if I am right to suspect it or not.  Not sure how he would cope with further restricted diet.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 14:45:24 pm by lula21 »


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I don't have personal experience with celiacs specifically, but I know many people use the dietary/gut healing plan we are doing with our boys to treat celiacs as well.  The theory is that it's all steming from Gut Dysbiosis, which is sounds to me like your son might be dealing with ??? 

Here's the some info:  Don't let the title fool you, the psychiatric component is only one piece of gut dysbiosis.

I would highly recommend reading this book to fully understand what's going on in his gut.  There is also a treatment plan as well:

As I said, I know a number of people are using this plan (including us) to treat intolerances/allergies.

Good luck, and ((hugs))

Offline Buntybear

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Hi, have you tried taking gluten out of his diet? There are some great alternatives on the market - bread, pasta etc. Try it for a couple of weeks and if it is gluten then you should see an improvement.

Offline weaver

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Coeliac disease symptoms can vary a lot from one person to another so there often isn't 'one thing' (other than the blood test) that makes it obvious.  That is until you take gluten from his diet.  Don't worry too much about doing that as, as PP said, you won't be restricting him too much as there's lots of great replacement stuff on the market.  This website might help:
(it's one of the best I've seen, not just me being patriotic).

Do be aware that coeliac disease is an auto-immune syndrome, it's not a food allergy, so I'm not sure about the method tigerlily mentioned. BUT the good thing is that it is simply treated by diet.  Hope he's feeling better soon.
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.


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THe method I mentioned is used to treat autoimmune disorders (as well as allergies), but there's many methods out there to be sure.

I agree, a gluten free trial is probably a good start.

Offline lula21

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Thank you for taking the time to reply, I had a quick peek at the GAPS diet hadn't heard of it before today, so thank you for the link,
I will definitely read into it.

Yes, you are right taking gluten out of his DS's diet will tell me for sure if it is this, I guess I just felt overwhelmed with taking yet even more out of his diet, but I'll look out for alternatives, I feel so sorry for him that he can't eat 'normal' foods.  Is it just me that struggles to think what to feed them, my daughter always loved yoghurts and babybel cheeses for snacks and because I can't think of anything to give him I end up giving him biscuits not very healthy.

Received appointment letter after I posted for 2nd Feb, am I right in saying I shouldn't take gluten out of his diet yet if he is to have a test.

Offline Jimbob

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You are right in thinking that gluten needs to be in your lo's diet if she is being tested for coeliac disease. I hope you find out what is causing your ds's issues soon.

Does your ds like fruit? Both my children like fruit so I chop it up and put it in a bowl when it is being give for a snack or in a little tub if being taken out with us.

My ds has multiple food allergies and it can be more difficult to think of different foods to give.

James's favourite snacks are grapes, apple, pear, raisins, rice cakes, smoothies and pieces of roast chicken or beef.

Kelly x

James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker

Offline lula21

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Thanks for the ideas Kelly. :)

I think I get paranoid if ds has fruit that that may be causing diarrhea. 

((hugs)) to all of you going through this allergy nightmare, hope the lo's all grow out of it soon.

Offline Buntybear

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Are you in the UK? We always have plenty from this range in the house - great for allergic LOs. Esp for us the oaty bars (has one as a snack every day!) and the corn puffs (all different shapes and sizes). You could use the fruit pots instead of yoghurt?

((hugs)) to all of you going through this allergy nightmare, hope the lo's all grow out of it soon.

Ditto!  :-*

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My LO loves these as a crunchy snack..could you use them?  Great in a bowl with a couple of raisins.

We've got really into using polenta, it's brilliantly versatile and easy as you can have a soft mash (made in about three minutes) or pour it on a plate and let it set, then cut it up and eat it straight (my LO does for snacks sometimes) or coat it in oil and grill or roast for something a bit like chips. Also brill for cakes (lemon polenta cake is divine).  Just ignore any packet that says you have to stand over it, stirring for 40 minutes.  Use boiling water (or stock) and rain the polenta into it, the magic trick is to stir it with a whisk. 

Maybe if he is coeliac, you might discover it was aggravating other things and gradually he'll be able to eat a greater variety.  There's always that hope.

Tigerlilly, I really have to make time to look into that GAPS approach.  I'm lactose intolerant and would so love  not to be - as the world's greatest (pregnant, craving) cheese fan!
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

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We use the oaty bars to. James has them as part of is packed lunch at school.

James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker

Offline weaver

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Lula, have you seen the menu planning stickie for gluten/dairy/soy free?  Might help a lot.

I recently found a fabulous book...all cakes...all dairy and wheat and gluten free...all lovely!  It's called 'Cake Angels' by Julia Thomas.  If you like baking, it'll make you feel better. :)
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

Offline lula21

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Thank you for all your ideas, they have given me loads more options, I have made the polenta cake for myself many years ago, never thought about it for DS so that is a great idea and the mash too.

Will check out the recipe thread!

I think I just got stuck in a rut with it all, I'll keep you posted and let you know how he gets on.
