Author Topic: DS refuses to nurse before BT  (Read 803 times)

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Offline aMei

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DS refuses to nurse before BT
« on: February 15, 2012, 23:41:27 pm »
We recently cut out my DS's CN. He is 7months and 3 weeks old. He is breastfed and on solids (twice a day). Before cutting out his CN, he was eating 4 times during the day plus 1 DF. Now, he is eating 3 times during the day plus 1 DF. When I cut out his CN, I was hoping that he would nurse again before putting him to sleep (so keep the eating to 4 times plus DF), but he is so tired that he refuses to nurse. He whines/cries when I offer. I've even tried reintroducing the CN so that he would nurse again, but he still refused. Here is his typical day.

wakes up around 7am
E 7:30am (nurse)
S 10:30am-noon
E noon (nurse & solids)
S 3-4:30pm
E 4:30 (nurse)
   5:30-6 (solids)
S 7-8pm BT

DF at 10:30pm

For his last solids at 5:30pm, I used to give it to him right after nursing. But since he refuses to nurse before bed time and was waking up around 9pm and stays restless (in bed, moving around, some noises, eyes closed) until DF, I decided to delay solids to help him stay asleep until DF. Now, he seems to be sleeping better until the DF, but still seems READY for his DF.

Is there something I can do to encourage/help him nurse again before bed time? Once, I tried giving him an ounce of pumped milk in a bottle. He refused it at first, but then drank it. I've only done it once, because I wanted to see whether he was really just not hungry or he was just tired. So, I think he's just tired and would rather sleep.

Also, since he's almost 8 months, I'm starting to think about cutting out the DF. But, I'm worried that he won't be able to last through the night if his last E is at 4-5pm and has to last until 7:30am. That's at least 14 hours, which seems like a long time. Basically, what can I do to help him nurse again before bed time? Oh yea, he's a chubby baby of 24-25 pounds. :)

Offline amayzie

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Re: DS refuses to nurse before BT
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2012, 00:26:39 am »
We are having the same problem as you guys- but my guy is older. We dropped out DF at 6 months, you could try starting to wean the DF and he might be more interested at bed time. In that babies have a quota of milk they need in the day, so if he isn't having the dream feed he;ll be more interested in the day? If you are happy with the dream feed though you could keep it but not panic too much about the no feed at BT- if he's gaining weight well then he probably doesn't need it- only needs the 4 feeds.

It can be tricky at this age too as they are busy little beavers!!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

Offline aMei

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Re: DS refuses to nurse before BT
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2012, 23:41:28 pm »
I guess I'll keep the dream feed for now. It's the only feed he's not squirreling around. :) I can enjoy my baby being a baby for a little bit longer. May be I'll think about dropping it when we introduce a sippy cup, which will be soon. Babies grow up so fast!

Offline amayzie

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Re: DS refuses to nurse before BT
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2012, 23:44:25 pm »
I agree 100% with all of that!!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!