Author Topic: 10 month old dropping a bottle how to fit into routine  (Read 1165 times)

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Offline amandacan

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10 month old dropping a bottle how to fit into routine
« on: February 23, 2012, 21:16:15 pm »
Hi ladies

This might be a silly question
my 10 month old daughter has dropped a bottle

her easy used to be like this

up around 6:30
E 6-8 ounces at 6:30
E breakfast at 7:15
S 8:30
E 10:30 6 ounces
E 11:30 lunch
S 1:00
E 2:30 6-8 ounces
E 4 diner
E 6:30

lately she has been waking up a lot earlier
so we have been pushing her A times during the day

Today was
up at 5:30
E 6:15 8 ounces
S 7:00 - 9:00

E 9 breakfast
E 12:00 lunch a sandwich cut up in pieches and apple and blueberries puree
E 12:30 6 ounces

S 12:45
A 2:00

so what do I do now give her a snack

Offline Lolly

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Re: 10 month old dropping a bottle how to fit into routine
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2012, 22:08:35 pm »
If she seems hungry you can offer a snack or just bring tea earlier. If you are offering a snack give her some milk in a sippy too. I found my DD didn't need a snack so we did tea a bit earlier then she took her bedtime bottle better.



Offline amandacan

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Re: 10 month old dropping a bottle how to fit into routine
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2012, 23:17:47 pm »
Thanks laura

today was a bit better already

up at 7:00 8 ounce bottle
A didn`t want breakfast

S at 8:45
E at 10:00 100 grams of yoghurt some oatmeal cereal and pears
E at 12:00 half a sandwich and some pineaple chuncks and a bit of water
E at 12:45 7 ounce bottle
S at 1:00 - 3:00
E at 4:00 some carrots not really intrested in this meal and a sip of water

I Think I`m going to get her to bed around 6:30

she is teething really bad now to getting her 2 top ones and 1 bottom one