Hi there,
I've recently started bottle-feeding my DD and am a little confused about the measurements. On the side of the formula packaging, it tells me that for a 7oz feed, to use 210mls water with 7 scoops of formula. i know from expressing breast milk that 30mls equates to one ounce, and so the 210mls is the 7ozs.
However, when I add the 7 scoops of formula, the total amount in the bottle rises to 240mls, which is 8ozs. Does this mean I've actually made an 8oz feed? My DD tends to finish the whole bottle, so I'm interested how much the little guzzler is taking

Which quantity should I count - the amount of water used in the feed, or the total quantity of liquid once the formula has been added?
Apologies if I'm just being a bit dim! xx