Author Topic: Any thoughts/ideas? 12 mth dd refusing bf and becoming v distressed and cross  (Read 2701 times)

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Offline mumto5cuddlebugs

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I have tried lying down, and i have tried df again. The df idea just annoyed her because she was determined to be asleep so she sort of hugged my breast (which was cute  :D ) but refused to feed or show any interest in feeding at all! And lying down she had the same reaction as when i sit up, the second she realises what is happening she screams and arches her back.

Think i'm going to keep trying until Weds, it will have been just over a week by then, and then i'll have to think about giving up. I can't keep expressing morning and night, it's especially hard on school days and i am not getting much anyway. And it sounds pathetic but i can't cope with the daily sadness and disappointment. She's such a happy little soul i hate that i upset her simply by offering her a bf. I am struggling to get my head round her sudden change in attitude towards bf but i'm going to have to come to terms with it if that's how she wants it. Will give it a few more days though.
Kirsty x

Offline becj86

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Hugs! DS refused his afternoon feed yesterday - screamed for 25 minutes :( He's back to feeding again now but it really does hurt when offering a BF upsets them so!

I hope things are better for you - Wednesday's done here, but only just beginning where you are... xx

Offline mumto5cuddlebugs

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well, it looks like we are done  :'( :'( :'(

I was hopeful because i offered a bf this afternoon, she was sitting up and started playing, 'tasting' milk if i squirted it! It didn't convince her to latch on though, she just is not interested and if i lay her down to do it she just screams. She hasn't taken a bf since last Thurs morning so i guess i have to give up some time.  ???

 I think i needed the weaning process more than her! I stopped bf my 3 older ones at about this age but i had envisaged feeding Fae for longer. I wish i had had some idea that she was going to stop so abruptly, i would have relished those last few feeds iykwim  :'(

Thanks for all of your ideas and support xx
Kirsty x

Offline Fiver

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Lots of *hugs* to you.  I think it's a process of grief to a degree whenever you stop and in whatever circumstances.  You can rest assured you've done a fab job for the time you've had :-*
*** Amanda ***

Offline Erin M

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(((hugs))) sweetie, and well done for going as long as you did. 

Offline becj86

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Hugs! Congratulations on feeding her for as long as you did xx

Offline shivi

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huge hugs and big congrats for feeding little Fae for as long as you did xxx

I had one kid who laughed at me everytime I presented my boob to feed him,...and the other who scrfeamed like your Fae. Don't know which was harder. But it was definately hard when E self-weaned as I knew she was more than likely our last LO.

S xxx

Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!