Author Topic: Switched things around, big boy still drinks the same!  (Read 1099 times)

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Offline vancouverbabies

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Switched things around, big boy still drinks the same!
« on: March 28, 2012, 22:06:32 pm »
Ok so I made some changes to my 11 months old schedule in the last week, aiming to reduce formula amount but he's still drinking the same:

700 -Bottle 7 oz
830 or so - Breakfast
1200 - Lunch
100 - Bottle 7-8 oz
330- snack with water in sippy
530 - Dinner
645 - Bottle 7-8 oz just before bed

He is over 12 kg so a big boy, and I think he just needs the formula on top of big meals. What to do next? I really want to reduce bottles and start milk soon, what do you recommend I do first? Start mixing in milk slowly (closer to 12 months) or start trying to give him formula via sippy? I know that when he starts milk he should only have 16 oz or so per day, I guess I will just have to limit how much I offer him?
Thank you!

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Re: Switched things around, big boy still drinks the same!
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 17:07:17 pm »
I would swap the afternoon bottle to a sippy first and then once he hits 1 start swapping the formula for cows milk. You could try offering straight milk in the afternoon sippy and see how he does, if he rejects it then swap gradually, if he likes it just swap.

It may be worth looking at how you can bulk his meals up, maybe increase the amount of protien he has to fill him up more. I think though that if his milk intake isn't having an impact on the amount of solids he has then it's fine. The main reason to limit milk once they hit 1 is because they can fill up on it rather than on solids.

Another idea would be to give him milk in a sippy with his meals and reduce the afternoon bottle gradually as he takes more with his meals.
