Thank you so much for your inputs!
Hmmm. Maybe I will wait a little bit more before starting the program. DD just started STTN (8h-6h), so she is having one less feed a day. I guess my body will need some time to adjust to that. Also, we are going really slow with the solids, so she will still get almost all of her calories from mommy's milk for a while.
Yes, I've been pumping for a while and donating to a local milk bank. When I return to work, I'll probably continue pumping but use the milk for DD's afternoon feed. I'm not sure that pumping would have an effect on the quality of the milk though (I've read somewhere that a lower calorie intake, especially a reduction in carbs, would lead to a "slimmer" milk - but I don't know if it's true!).
Laccec, how old was your LO when you joined the program?