Well you may know of my fiasco last night which resulted in C going to bed almost an hour later than usual. Well we've had a bit of a rough night/morning with a combination of teething pain and OT. NWs at 3am and 4am which she self-settled for then big cries at 5ish which DH went in cuddled and put her back down and she went to sleep. We'd intended to let her sleep in until 7:30 ish but we all slept in until 8:15 when I woke up in a panic!
This is our usual routine
Wake at 7
Nap 1-2:30/3 (I wake after 1.5 or 2hrs depending upon how tired she is
Bed 7:30-8 ish depending upon nap WU then STTN
So I'm wondering how to shoot for her nap?
I'm thinking 2 ish for 1hr/1 hr 15 ish. Don't want BT to be too late and I doubt I'll get her down for the nap before 6hrs A time.
Any help?? My head's sore after drowning my sorrows in wine last night.
Thanks ladies