Hi all,
DS is 27mo and we have just taken the sides off his cot bed. 1st 2 nights have been fine (he goes to sleep as normal), but this morning he appeared at my bedside at 6.40am with a huge grin on his face. I was so shocked that before I knew it, he had climbed in and was snuggled up. I should have taken him back to his bed, but by then his sister had come in and it was nearly getting up time, so we came downstairs.
Need a plan of action for tomorrow morning! We have a gro-clock, so I think I'll set it a little earlier so he doesn't have to wait too long, but then do return to bed until his sun comes up? Getting him to sleep until later is a whole other post. As is naps, as he hasn't had one since we took the sides off his cot
Any tips with hindsight from those who have btdt?
This was such a doddle with DD. She never got out of her bed, and now, at 4, only really gets out to go to the bathroom!