Author Topic: FEEDING TIMES PLEASE?  (Read 1267 times)

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Offline jillyg65

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« on: April 04, 2012, 10:32:46 am »
hi there. my little girl is 3 and a half weeks. 4 weeks on friday. i know it is still early days. but i am not in a routine , but sort of trying to establish one. read gina ford. now reading BW.
 i cannot find anywhere in BW times for feeds. can anyone help me plse. i presume it is good to starts at 0700. then 1000? she recommends doing a cluster feed at 5 and 7 or 6pm and 8pm .
she doesnt mention any times. and doesnt mention any amounts of feed. i am giving my little one 4 oz. she only sometimes will finish the 4 oz. but, if i do this cluster feed (tanking up) do i give 4oz and 5pm and another 4oz at 7pm.? or do you give less?
if anyone else is doing it and has tips plse let me know.
 my little one probably feeds every 3 hrs in the day at the moment. sometimes stretches longer,- only if i am out and about and she is asleep due to being in car. at home, it is 3 hrs. i also find it very hard to NOT let her sleep more than 2 hrs in the day and then i am supposed to wake her up. if i do she is really really cranky if i let her just sleep, which i have been as she is a new born and i cannot bare all the crying when awake, then our evenings are hurrendous and from around 7pm she just loses the plot until gone 10pm- probably cause she has slept too much in the day! so hard to know what to do. as you can tell i am a little confused. i will look at the BW forum now. thanks xxxx

Offline ENMS

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« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2012, 13:13:11 pm »
Hi and welcome! I don't know which book you are readng but there are sample routines in the baby whisperer solves all your problems book.  the idea is not to feed on a rigid schedule though, and to watch her cues, especially when she is that small.  I would definitely feed on demand at 3 weeks old.  in terms of amounts, I would also go with what she's having, and make sure to always put a little more in the bottle so that she stops feeding because she's not hungry anymore instead of just because there's no more formula in the bottle.

personnally I let DS sleep but would wake if it got 4h between feedings, to be sure he was getting enough nutrition during the day. of course if something exceptionnal was up and I could see he really needed to sleep I could let him go a little more, but not too much because you want to be sure they are not mixing up day and night.

so you're saying she cries from 7 to 10 only when she has napped well? I don't really have advice for you on that, for us it was the opposite.

maybe you could post on the EASY board to get some help with routines?

Offline jillyg65

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« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2012, 20:28:16 pm »
thanks Elise.
will keep searching forum.

i tried to wake her a little more than usual today. wasn't too successful. but, she may have had slightly less sleep than yesterday.

tried the cluster feed. wasn't a massive success. only took 2 oz at 5pm and then maybe 3oz at 7pm.
then cried a bit, tried the patting and ssch ssch thing, didn't seem to work.
then gave her a dummy , it calmed her down and she was just falling asleep in my arms. put her in moses basket, and by some miracle she fell asleep. that was at 8.30pm, which is the earliest so far.
so here is hoping for an ok night!!!!

Offline Lolly

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« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2012, 21:05:40 pm »
Here are some links for you to have a look at they may help!

I'm glad you have had a better evening - fingers crossed for a good night!
