THanks ladies.. two steps forward, one step back. Today is my birthday, so last night I went out to see a film. DS has taken a bottle of expressed milk every week or so, no problem. But last night, he point blank refused it! Came home to a very hungry boy.
So he didn't sleep from 6pm - 10pm!!! I was dreading last night, but it wasn't too too bad. I fed at 10:30 to bed, and then awake at 2am, 4am, 5:30 & 6:30. My DH then took him off me, and I got to lie into 9:30!! And bizarely, DS took the defrosted bottle no problem this morning. They ARE funny creatures, aren't they.
I think the problem with the morning cluster feeding is that I'm falling asleep mid-feed, waking 10 mins later... I'm not sure he's been latched on the whole time!! So perhaps not a proper feed. Tonight I'll try getting out of bed and sitting in a chair to feed, so that he takes a full feed.
Thanks everyone for your support!