My little lady has been STTN from 7 - 6 for about a month now. She is still nursing but dropped the 3am feed on her own. I will post her schedule below, but she has started waking at 5am now for about a week or more. I don't run in to her unless she's really crying. This morning she laid in her bed quietly, only making little noises for about 45 mins before she got demanding. Sometimes she appears to have fallen back asleep, only to wake 30mins later. I get the feeling that if I were to nurse her, she would go straight back to bed for another hour or two. This happened with my DS when he was 10mos, he STTN and then we implemented a 4am nurse again a month later for 3 more months. Is this normal? She can make it 3-3.5 hours A time before her morning nap, but 5am is rough! And she appears to want to go back to sleep when I finally feed her at 6am. Any thoughts? Here is her EASY:
Awake 5am
E nurse 6am
A 7am breakfast - she eats a lot!!
S 8:30 nap for 1.5 - 2 hours
E 11am nurse (was doing 12, but now that's she's an early bird...)
E 12 lunch
S 1:30/2 for 1.5 hrs
E nurse after nap
E dinner at 5:30, play, bath, nurse
S 6:45/7pm