Author Topic: Remind me why- It's over :(  (Read 22928 times)

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Re: Remind me why- It's over :(
« Reply #150 on: April 26, 2012, 19:17:47 pm »
How are you doing, Jenn?

Offline Jenn+Ethan+Emily

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Re: Remind me why- It's over :(
« Reply #151 on: April 26, 2012, 19:23:20 pm »
Thanks for checking Katie :-*

I am doing okay :) I miss nursing terribly but Emily is just *so* much more settled right now, it's hard to feel sad about it. Plus how can anyone be sad when they can eat as much chocolate as they want too? ;) Emily has been taking one decent nap a day now which is great! She still wakes tons during the night and is still having two NF's but just isn't screaming in pain which is lovely! So I think it was just time :)

I do, however, want another baby now :P DH isn't coming close to me though :P

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Re: Remind me why- It's over :(
« Reply #152 on: April 26, 2012, 21:10:10 pm »
Glad to hear that you're better with it. I had to lol at your dh not going near you ;)

And your avatar! Soooooo precious!
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

Remembering my sleeping angels: 17 Jan 06, 30 Jul 09

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Re: Remind me why- It's over :(
« Reply #153 on: April 26, 2012, 21:28:07 pm »
LOL! And yes, your new pic is lovely.

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Re: Remind me why- It's over :(
« Reply #154 on: May 01, 2012, 13:44:47 pm »
Oh hugs Jenn, I'm just catching up after a few weeks away!

Sorry to hear that your BF'ing days have ended, you did a wonderful job. I know how difficult it is when they fuss to feed and it leads to frustration. I hope you are not missing it too much? You have a very very beautiful little girl to be proud of.

Also I'm by no means an expert but I've heard of a phenomenon where babies just don't want to BF anymore after a while and just stop. ?I think its called baby lead weaning.

Mmm, both of mine did BLW, I can't get J to stop! Only one feed left though, but secretly I don't want it to end!

Hey, you can have ice cream now! And chocolate, and cheese... go splurge, girl!

*Hands Jenn a glass of wine the size of her face*

Hahahahahaha, I hope you're enjoying the above!
Formerly 'The Goblin'

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Re: Remind me why- It's over :(
« Reply #155 on: May 02, 2012, 03:57:35 am »
Oh hugs Jenn, I'm just catching up after a few weeks away!

Ditto on this count :-[

You have done a WONDERFUL job at giving Miss Emily the best YOU could for her, in spite of all the hurdles you faced!  Enjoy your chocolate and being able to relax about eating and food for a while here (until she is on a fully solid diet ;) ::) ).  Pamper yourself with small doses of things you have wanted for a long time but have avoided. 
Many (((Hugs))) dear lady :-*
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d