Author Topic: Slow Let down on left side  (Read 1806 times)

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Slow Let down on left side
« on: May 01, 2012, 20:46:53 pm »
Hi all
I have been experiencing a slow let down on my left side only. My LO who is 4 months gets really frustrated as it can take about a minute of sucking for my milk to let down and then when it does let down, she sucks for about 2 mins and begins to then suck really slow, almost like the flow is slower, hence almost empty. I put her then onto my right side and she sucks for around 3/4 mins...
Am I experiencing low supply?
I havent had her weighed recently, my hubby keeps saying she looks like she has lost weight, which I guess doesnt really give me a true picture - I must get her weighed.
She was ok the last time I took her to weigh in and she was on the 25th percentile...
She is having plenty of wet nappies, so I dont know

Does anyone have any experience of this and can give me ideas of how I can improve my let down...
Also I have an active 3 year old and cannot really feed in a quiet place etc...I do for morning, bedtime and nightfeeds though..

Any ideas???

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Re: Slow Let down on left side
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2012, 09:22:35 am »
It's pretty normal to take around a minute for letdown.  I think the average is something like 56 seconds, so if you've previously had a fast letdown, it could be that now you've got to 4 months your supply is settling down and letdown is a little slower to come.  You're also in prime GS territory.  I think 4m for me was the time where I had the biggest doubts about my supply, but I'm still nursing at 16m and DD is fine, so I guess I must've had enough ;)

Have you tried  It can help to speed up letdown a bit or to keep LO interested during the feed after the first letdown and before the next one.

This FAQ gives asks some questions regarding low supply - - anything look familiar?  Chances are that where the way your body is producing milk ( has changed, it is "fooling" you into the feeling of low supply.

The wet nappies are a good sign that things are going ok.  Could it be that she's become a lot more efficient at feeding from that breast?  Could you switch back to the left side again after feeding from the right to try to give a bit of a boost?
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Re: Slow Let down on left side
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2012, 09:25:40 am »
Can you hand express just til you get to letdown and then pop her on once the milk is there? Have you tried breast compressions? The slow sucking can sometimes mean the milk is coming and they don't need to actively suck - DS does a 'slow suck' where he pretty much just swallows the milk as it comes out.

Some LO's look like they've lost weight after they have a growth spurt - they grow longer and look leaner, then fatten out again. Get her weighed and measured - its the only way to know for sure.

This is also prime time for a growth spurt - ie, lots of extra feeds to increase supply for major growth from 4-6 months and lots of women feel like their supply is failing when bub is around this age.

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Re: Slow Let down on left side
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2012, 14:51:09 pm »
I always had one side that was faster than the other. I would start with the fast side so by the time I fed off the slow side they weren't as starving and didn't get frustrated trying to start let down.
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