Hi all
I have been experiencing a slow let down on my left side only. My LO who is 4 months gets really frustrated as it can take about a minute of sucking for my milk to let down and then when it does let down, she sucks for about 2 mins and begins to then suck really slow, almost like the flow is slower, hence almost empty. I put her then onto my right side and she sucks for around 3/4 mins...
Am I experiencing low supply?
I havent had her weighed recently, my hubby keeps saying she looks like she has lost weight, which I guess doesnt really give me a true picture - I must get her weighed.
She was ok the last time I took her to weigh in and she was on the 25th percentile...
She is having plenty of wet nappies, so I dont know
Does anyone have any experience of this and can give me ideas of how I can improve my let down...
Also I have an active 3 year old and cannot really feed in a quiet place etc...I do for morning, bedtime and nightfeeds though..
Any ideas???