Author Topic: Just dropped dreamfeed ... 3.5 mth old now eating only four times a day, enough?  (Read 1237 times)

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Offline cq000

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Last night I just dropped the dream feed cold turkey to see what happens. He woke up at the usual time of 8 am (he goes to bed at 7 pm), making it almost 14 hours since his last feed. He doesn't seem hungry when he woke up either, was quite happy to lie awake in the crib for another 30 mins. When I gave him a bottle before dropping the DF he took about 5 oz easy. Now I feed him at 8, 12, 4, and 6:30 pm. I hope dropping the DF would mean he is taking 6 ozs at each feeding now but of course I can't see unless I pump it out. He is a fast eater too, usually done in 10-15 minutes, which always makes me wonder if he's really full. When I try to make him eat more (and I know there is still milk because I always squeeze my nipples just to check), he would suck a little bit and then pop the nipple back out--which I guess it means he's full and I would end the feeding. I guess I have a pretty good supply and fast letdown because it's always spraying out.

He's 15 lbs now. Any thoughts on my feeding schedule? I'm so apprehensive when I'm dreamfeeding because I always feel he's about to wake up. When I put him back in his crib he immediately puts his thumb in his mouth and continue sucking to put himself back to sleep, that's why I decided to drop the DF .... and last night he slept really well, didn't make his usual noises! (though might just be a one-off thing)

Offline oneplusone

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I think it's a little early. It's not recommended to drop the dream feed until they have started solids and are doing well. I didn't manage to drop it until 8 months but I was BF so it was a little harder to wean off. That being said you LO is a good size for their age so maybe they will do OK without it. DF were always hit and miss with us too. I was very worried about waking him up, but eventually he got really good at just going back to sleep. So good I could lift him from his crib, carry him to my room, lie down to BF, switch sides, pick him up, carry him back to his room, and put him back in his crib without him waking.
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At 3.5m, 4 feeds per day really is on the low side, especially when you have a big GS coming up at around 4m.  If it was me I think I'd try to keep the DF for a little while longer, but maybe I'm overcautious :)
*** Amanda ***

Offline becj86

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I had 5 feeds a day at this age and was always asked if that was enough - nurses are like that. We tried feeding more frequently several times and always ended up with a screaming mess of a baby. They (and I) eventually realised that was just how DS is. I'd give it a few days without the dreamfeed and see how he does. The GS will come along and you'll likely end up with a NF again while its happening, so if he wakes hungry, feed. If he's still gaining fine, developing fine and is wetting the right amount of nappies and pooing, I'd leave it.

Offline cq000

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Thanks everyone, I restored the dreamfeed just in case!

Offline amayzie

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I just found the DF was nice as i knew he would eat at that feed- so once he got all fussy and distracted it was like an insurance policy!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!