Author Topic: Varying feed lengths  (Read 1449 times)

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Offline eva026

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Varying feed lengths
« on: May 28, 2012, 14:33:26 pm »
Hi everyone I'm back again with a new issue.
Before I start I just wanted to say that soon we will be coming up on 3mths of EBF! I seriously didn't think we'd make it past 6 weeks and here we are half way already:)

DD had been feeding great (still with nipple shields) for around 15min a feed till 4 days ago.
Her day feeds suddenly shortened to 5-6min a time although night feeds remained at 15-20min.  After a whole day of these strange feeds I gave her a bottle at her bedtime feed to see how long she needed to finish it. She has only been getting 1 bottle a day at the DF, the medela calma bottle so she needs to suck quite hard to get milk out. Anyway, it took her around 8min to finish a 130ml bottle (maybe proof that she only needs the same amount of time for BF??)

Her odd nursing continued the next day so I thought "uh oh nursing strike incoming" and proceeded to take the same steps that helped us out of the last nursing strike, no bottles, co-sleeping, feeding relaxed etc etc.
It's been 2 days of "nursing strike intervention" and I don't see much of a difference. She still feeds an average of 5min during the day and then comes off the breast. If I try get her to take more she will start crying and sometimes after I calm her down she will take a bit more from the other side.
I even tried to give her the bottle today to see if she would take that, but she spat it out. When I put my finger near her mouth she opens wide and starts sucking on it violently. This is what leads me to believe she may still be hungry. I can also hear her tummy rumbling later (digestion or hunger, I don't know).
Yesterday after a whole day of 5 min feeds she fed for 30min at bedtime and 20min per feed at the 2 NFs (still afraid to reintroduce the bottle DF).
I have been trying to feed her at every little hint that she may be hungry but I'm worried that I'm creating a snacker. The strange thing is that if there is a 1.5h break between feeds or a 3h break, she still eats for 5 min.
We took her in to see a pedi in case she was ill or refluxing and therefore refusing to feed but the dr was no help at all and told me that I should be able to tell if my baby is hungry or not and otherwise she is healthy.
Unfortunately I can't tell if she is still hungry:( Her irritated cry has the same coughing start as her hungry cry, she smacks her lips and sucks on her fist all the time, not only when hungry.

My question is, is it at all possible that she is getting enough at these short feeds and I'm fussing about nothing?

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Re: Varying feed lengths
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2012, 18:51:10 pm »
Firstly, well done for getting to 3 months!!
Secondly, she could well be getting all she needs in those 5 minute feeds.  LOs do become more efficient at feeding.  If you're continuing to offer and she's not interested, I would assume that she doesn't want any more.
*** Amanda ***

Offline eva026

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Re: Varying feed lengths
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2012, 21:01:58 pm »
Phew, thank you:)

I guess because of the nursing strike we have been through, I started to panic when I noticed her feeds getting shorter all of a sudden.

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Re: Varying feed lengths
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2012, 01:50:03 am »
We took her in to see a pedi in case she was ill or refluxing and therefore refusing to feed but the dr was no help at all and told me that I should be able to tell if my baby is hungry or not and otherwise she is healthy.
Unfortunately I can't tell if she is still hungry:(
Sweetie, it's taken me FOREVER to sort out my babies' cries with all 3 of them.  I find it really hard to sort out hunger cries vs something else at this age.

Well done getting as far as you have!  Keep it up!  :)

Offline eva026

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Re: Varying feed lengths
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2012, 06:31:32 am »
Darnedest thing, we reintroduced the DF bottle yesterday and she was gagging and swallowing air on the medela calma bottle she has been using for 6 weeks. She therw up 2 and then DH just gave her a normal bottle with a newborn nipple. Apparently this isn't the first time, it started last week and he has given her the normal bottle a few times now. It's like she unlearned how to drink from the calma one.
This kind of worries me, because if I am away and DH needs to give her more than one bottle she will be getting the "easy" bottle again.
I'm thinking of getting the breastflow one, you can order on ebay.
Would you recommend getting that rather than the normal bottles or should the normal bottles be fine now?

Offline scruffymax

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Re: Varying feed lengths
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2012, 09:05:50 am »
My LO is EBF and we give her a bottle of EBM for the DF.  We've always just used the stock standard Avent one, first of all the newborn one and then then stage 2 one which is from 1 month.  I think there is another one from 3 months but we are still on the stage 2 and she is still drinking from it fine (LO is 4 months).

Not sure how that fits in with your previous experiences as sounds like you've had a rocky time with breastfeeding.

Oh and by the way, my LO suddenly went from 20-25 minute feeds (one sided) to 6 or 7 minutes (one sided) at around 8 weeks.  It did my head in and for a while we had a little snacker as I couldn't believe she could be full on only a couple of minutes.  Now she has increased a bit again in the last week or two and is taking both sides, but I would still class 15 minutes as a long feed.  They like to keep you guessing!

Offline eva026

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Re: Varying feed lengths
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2012, 10:30:32 am »
They like to keep you guessing!

lol don't they ever! I think I will relax about her short feeds when they weigh her on Mon and I see for myself that she is gaining.

We used to use the normal avent bottles too, but it turns out that DD is quite lazy and decided she doesn't want to BF at all if she can get milk from a bottle with less effort. Getting her to BF again left me an emotional wreck! That's why I'm so hesitant about using normal bottles again.
I've decided to pump like mad and build up enough of a stash that she can get breast milk for 2 months from the frozen stuff just in case. I'll probably end up with balloon boobs again but that's too bad! Got 5.5l so far!

Offline scruffymax

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Re: Varying feed lengths
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2012, 00:50:51 am »
We'll just call you Pamela Anderson  ;)