Author Topic: Help!!... I don't really know what I'm doing!!!  (Read 1182 times)

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Offline Elvisking

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Help!!... I don't really know what I'm doing!!!
« on: May 22, 2012, 20:00:32 pm »
 Hi, just wondering if anyone can help me!! Our daughter is 7 weeks old now, I'm attempting the EASY routine- but I think I'm doing it all wrong!! I see by the posts on this board that most people have set times that they feed. Erin feeds most days every 3 hours- but the times vary!! If we're out walking- she sleeps through the 3hours & occasionally won't make 3hours!! My question is- do you literally start waking her to feed at the time you want to feed her? So for instance I wake her at 6am tomorrow, then feed her again at 9 etc etc? Also- feeds can be anything between 3-6 oz!!
Here are examples of a typical day at present

6:40- 3oz  Back to sleep
10:00-4oz activity/down to nap at 11
1:30-4oz activity/down in pram at 2:20
4:20-4 1/2 oz activity/down at 5:20
7:30-6oz-down at 8
Dream feed at 10 (usually wakes a bit)-
4:45- 3-4 oz.

It's not too bad I don't think- but would like to get it at regular times daily. Should I start the cluster feed now? And if so how much do I give her each time?

The past few days she has slept a lot- maybe due to the heat/growth spurt?
Soon many questions-I'm sorry!! Hope someone can help!! Hope you're all well! X

Offline Lolly

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Re: Help!!... I don't really know what I'm doing!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2012, 16:08:10 pm »
How are things going now?

Can you give us a better outline of your day, it's a bit hard to see how long she sleeps for/ what time she wakes etc! So...

Eat - what times, how much
Activity - how long for
Sleep - what times, how long for

You can set a wake up time and follow EASY for the day from there, but it's ok for feed times to vary a bit during the day as EASY is a routine - a predictable series of events and not a strictly timed schedule. There will be some feeds that vary, often because of the timings between feeds. If she sleeps through one feed you can wake her if she has already had a decent nap, but if she's bee hard to get to sleep you can leave her to sleep for a while.

I wouldn't start cluster feeding now as that's usually dropped by 8 weeks but you may find a split feed around bath and bed time helps her to settle if she is hungry before her bath (if you do one!).

I don't think you are doing it wrong at all by the way! Some people don't even start trying EASY until their babies are a bit older, she is still so tiny you need to enjoy her too!
