Author Topic: 10 month old not settling and NW  (Read 1241 times)

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Offline londonmum2012

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10 month old not settling and NW
« on: June 13, 2012, 14:32:34 pm »

Just wondering if anyone had any further tips for us  - this was my post a few weeks ago

Things have really got a bit worse maybe.... our daughter always was quite a good independent sleeper but now basically almost never will settle in her cot herself. She stands up, bounces, bangs her head, gets her legs stuck etc etc.........even if she has gone in very tired. She's quite a busy little bee anyway so difficult to stop this and I try to just lie her back down but it can go on for a long time. The last few days I have been settling her for bed either lying on our bed, on the floor of her nursery (!!), or for naps just made them work around going out in the car or pram as I've just found it too hard.
Bedtime is the worst - she has the same usual routine, bath, bottle (given usually on our bed or beanbag as she doesn't like being held) and then she's sleepy, sometimes even dozing but as soon as we put her in the cot, she bounds up with a second wind. She has a dummy and a lovie. She's waking in the night and howling.....possibly teething? Probably waking sometimes 4-5 times before we have given in and brought her in our bed but this has been going on for weeks now and I'm not sure how to break the habit. She goes right to sleep in our bed during the night, in the car seat (even if the car seat is just in the living room during the day.......if I will be going out shortly after) and in the pram on walks.
Easy is not very predictable at the moment as she wakes at different times every day but something like this....we have cut out the night feed since my last post and she's accepted that no problem.

7.15 Wake, bottle, solids 1 hr later
10.15 Sleep 45 mins-1.5 hours
12.00 Solids
1.30-2.00 Bottle
2.30 Sleep - cap to 1 hour max
3.30 awake
5.00 Solids
6.30 Bath, bottle
7.15 ish sleep (except she is probably sleeping at more like 8-8.30 the last few days)

Should I post my EASY in the forum if you think it's to do with that?
She's very spirited and I think the PD makes her more crazy and fractious if we try that. This last nap in the end I laid on the bed humming to her when she finally went to sleep, then moved her to the cot.
I do think there is some separation anxiety and also developmental stuff - but not sure how to handle that - do we just wait it out until things settle down? I see a lot of threads for LO at the same age, so must be a tricky time. But I feel we are just getting more and more bad habits as me and DP get more and more tired...
Appreciate any input.

Offline katie80

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Re: 10 month old not settling and NW
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2012, 20:21:06 pm »
Hi there,
I think you're actually having the same problem as your previous thread.  She's going for the first nap a bit too early (UT) and doesn't do a full nap.  Then, the second nap, capped at 1 hr, ends up not being enough to get her through til bedtime and she's OT by the end of the day and thus having so many NWs.  It's definitely hard at this age, as there is a lot of developmental stuff going on as well.  But, if you get her on an appropriate routine for her age and choose a method of settling, whether it be PD or patting or just sitting by her cot, she will get back to independent sleep.  You might try meds one night as well to see if they make a difference and rule out teething.

Here is a more suitable EASY (and pretty much what Bec recommended to you on your previous thread).
Wake 7:15 am
Nap 1 10:30/45 am (for 1.5 hr); the goal here is to try to push that A out to 3.5 hr, so she does a full nap
Nap 2 3:00/30 pm (for 1 hr); I'd aim for 3-3.5 hr A again (you'll just have to watch her to see what she can handle)
BT 7:15/30 pm

How does that sound?

Offline londonmum2012

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Re: 10 month old not settling and NW
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2012, 20:49:47 pm »
Thank you for that, yes you are probably right about the UT first nap. Will try and push that out for 3.5 hours A after waking and see how it goes. If she does wake in the morning after just 45 mins and I can't extend, shall I let her have the full nap in the afternoon?
I think because shes taking so long to settle for naps and bed at the mo, she always end up OT and gets a bit crazy. I will persevere to try and get the routine sorted over next few days and let you know how I get on. Really appreciate your help (and becs!), not very able to think straight at the mo!  :)

Offline katie80

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Re: 10 month old not settling and NW
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2012, 03:24:54 am »
If she does wake in the morning after just 45 mins and I can't extend, shall I let her have the full nap in the afternoon?
Yes, she needs at least one full nap per day. :)

I think because shes taking so long to settle for naps and bed at the mo, she always end up OT and gets a bit crazy.
A lot of that should be helped by getting on the right routine. She might need a bit of persistence on your part if she's gotten used to you 'helping' her get to sleep, but since she was an independent sleeper before, she should get back fairly easy.