I have twin boys who are 2 years old, or almost 21months corrected age (prems born at 25weeks).
Twin 2 is finally sleeping well at the moment, approx 1830-0630, nap 1145-13:15
Twin 1 is an early riser, and I am struggling with getting his EASY right, and would appreciate some help!
He started to finally SSTN about 3months ago, since finally settling down after the 2:1 transition and cutting his 1yo molars and eye teeth, and generally had 10.5-11hr nights. He has been having some NW the past 3 weeks but I **think** this is illness related as he has had a cough and cold. Though he has been well for almost a week now. But the EW remains.
I was relatively comfortable with a 5:30 start to the day as he has been STTN for the first time in his life and getting 10.5hrs sleep overnight.
But I still struggle to know the best time to put him down for his nap, especially when he has a super early wake.
The last days have been like this...
Wake 0510
Nap 1100-1240
Sleep 1845
NW 2030, 0300,
Wake 0500
Nap 1030-1200
Sleep 1830
NW 0200
Wake 0525
Nap 1110-1300
Sleep 1855
NW 2030
Wake 0440
Nap 1005-1020 (fell asleep in car)
Nap 1230-1410
Sleep 1840
Am I doing something wrong to cause these extra early wake ups? What should I do with his nap when he's up from 4am and therefore ready for his nap at 10am-- this leaves a very long afternoon. I will do early BT around 6/6:15 pm when possible on a 4am day but it is difficult as I need to put both boys to bed together at night as I put them to bed by myself.
He generally goes to sleep independently, but I occasionally need to WI/WO at bed time particularly when OT.
He is inconsistent with his wake ups (4am-5:40)and his nap length (generally 1hr10-1hr30, very occasionally 1hr50/2hr never more). And I also have to have the boys both on a similar schedule so sometimes have to change the amount of A time to accommodate this. (and I feel I have never found the exact right A time anyway).
I can handle 5:30 starts, but 4am is ridiculous!!!
Generally any NW before 5am I do the same thing--ask him to lie down, say it's time for sleeping, give snuggly a cuddle and go to sleep. If he asks fir milk I will offer him his waterbottle. I then lie down next to his cot and wait for him to go settle then leave. Or if needed wait til he goes to sleep then leave. Any wake up after 5am he will not go back to sleep so I bring him into our bed and wait for his twin to wake up.
For those of you still reading, many thanks! I just feel at a loss as to what to do next!! I have been following this BW site for many months and credit it to finally helping my boys STTN, but this is my first post about their sleeps, so please forgive me if this is a bit all over the place!!!