My son has recently become the napper from hell.
He's 10 weeks old and since about 7 weeks he just cannot seem to have a substantial nap.
He can only handle being awake about an hour or an hour and ten minutes from eyes open to eyes closed including feeding / play time etc.
He then will only nap for 30mins - 60mins.
I wouldn't mind this if he woke up refreshed and happy and content with that much sleep, but he then spends the rest of the time crying as he's sooo tired.
Dummy in - eyes closed - pulls it out - cries - dummy in - eyes closed - still crying - dummy out - eyes closed - starts crying.
This goes on all day for his naps and he's really not satisfied with how much sleep he's getting.
I've tried white noise, swaddling, pat-shh, wake to sleep. Everything.
Anyone been through the same thing?
It breaks my heart that he spends a good part of his day knackered and crying.
He naps in his cot and always has done. But it makes no difference if I let him sleep on me, in his bouncy chair or anywhere he still can't stay asleep!
Thank you xxx