We started giving our baby 1 bottle a day when he was 4 weeks old. Suddenly at 10 weeks he started fussing a great deal during bottle feedings and would only drink 1 oz at a time. I typically leave the room so he doesn't see me during feedings, and we have great bottles that reduce colic etc..I don't know why suddenly he won't feed as well from them. As a response I increased the bottle feedings to 2 a day and have been persistent about it. After a huge fuss he'll take the bottle. help! I will be starting work in 4 weeks and will need my husband to frequently bottle feed him while I'm gone.
Should we try glass bottles (maybe the plastic taste..)? should we increase the nipple size (on the website they say 3+ months to the next level nipple. I feel like he's getting a fast flow of milk from this size)? I'm a new mom and have no idea what I'm doing.