Author Topic: New here and just started TED (somewhat)  (Read 1464 times)

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New here and just started TED (somewhat)
« on: July 17, 2012, 20:27:25 pm »
Hi all! I registered yesterday after finding this board while researching the TED. DS2 is 6 weeks old today and I have another DS (5 years) and DD (2 1/2 years). DS1 has a slew of mild food allergies including dairy, egg white, soy and corn (the first two more noticeable than the latter two- soy and corn seem to cause mood issues, but not much else). He also has challenges sometimes with cantaloupe melon and he cannot have citrus in any form (it causes bloody noses with him). I EBF him til past his 2nd birthday. With DD, I did not know about TED specifically, but around three weeks of age, I began noticing excessive spit up, persistent "baby acne", mucus in stool and finally blood in her stool. She was seen first by her ped, then by a pediatric gastroenterologist for several visits, until it was determined I needed to be free of dairy, eggs, wheat, soy, nuts (mostly- it seemed she could tolerate a small amount of peanuts occasionally), and I didn't really eat fish or shellfish, so I was basically "top eight" free. I just continued to eliminate foods that seemed problematic for her. Now, she is healthy and thriving, just weaned recently during my pregnancy, and has been tested for food allergies- and only tested positive for dairy allergy (milk protein). She has never had dairy aside from the occasional cupcake or other baked good, so hidden dairy but never any obvious dairy. (I reintroduced most of those foods- aside from soy when she was about a year old, and she had no obvious reaction). 

It seems to have started with DS2 around the same age (about 3 weeks)...the  baby acne appeared (and now he has some cradle cap), and excessive spit up/reflux. I've seen some mucus in his diapers, but those generally appear normal except for the past couple of days. He is eating a lot (maybe sometimes for comfort since he may be hurting from reflux) but he is about 12 lbs now (birth weight 9 lbs, 3 oz). I wanted to go on TED since I want to make sure I'm not eliminating anything unnecessarily. I'd really like to keep eggs if possible :). I've already been dairy free through the last half of my pregnancy, started on dairy again after giving birth, and dairy free for about the past two weeks (with one "minor" slip up a little more than a week ago). I really think wheat is a no-go, as my last dinner before starting yesterday was pasta with chicken and he had major spit up all day yesterday, so I'll wait a long time for that one. I will miss it, but I was wheat free for a year already, and if I'm honest with myself, I felt really good being off of it.

So here's what I'm uncertain about for this diet:

  • does anyone know if clarified butter is actually a problem for dairy intolerant? (I've been using it on toast, etc since the milk proteins are not in it- not since being on TED, though, of course)
  • In a somewhat minor case (like what I think I'm dealing with with DS2) is it necessary to be really strict- I mean as long as I'm avoiding obvious "top eight" allergens and the other more obvious allergens like tomato and citrus
  • what foods should I introduce first? Is there a list somewhere of good choices?
  • Is there an actual website for TED? I've pretty much only read message boards and what Dr Sears has posted on his site.
  • Does anyone drink kombucha for the probiotic on this diet? I drank a small amount before I was pregnant, and then a little bit more somewhat recently, but not sure if DS reacted to it or not.
  • What about spices, etc? Is it supposed to be totally bland at first? And then intro spices, etc one at a time? (that would take forever! Lol!)
  • Does anyone else notice that their LO has issues if they have had antibiotics during pregnancy/delivery/breastfeeding? (I had antibiotics with DD and DS2's delivery for positive GBS diagnosis- none whatsoever w/DS1- and he didn't have any obvious symptoms of allergy during BF'ing).
  • Does anyone seem to have issues personally with the foods you end up eliminating? For example, I know dairy gives me trouble (especially w/this pregnancy- I had major sinus issues) and I noticed feeling really good being wheat free- has anyone had confirmed allergies? What about leaky gut? I've never seen a medical professional for any potential issues on my part, but I know they are there (for various reasons).

I think that is about it. Any tips or suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated! :)

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Re: New here and just started TED (somewhat)
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2012, 01:26:53 am »
Welcome to BW!  I am bumping this up for more eyes to see.

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months

Offline Buntybear

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Re: New here and just started TED (somewhat)
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2012, 18:27:18 pm »
Hi and welcome,

It sounds like you have had such a lot to deal with with your LOs but have coped really well. You really are one dedicated mama  :D

I don't have any experince of this diet but what I will will is link so older posts which have some more info that you may find helpful...