i had some great help/advice not long ago about 'organising' my 11 month olds day sleep to tie in with his sisters kindy.
her kindy is approx 5-10 drive from 130-330pm.
so he had been doing a 45 min sleep 10am'sh and then a 145pm-1.5 hour sleep. and wake him at 315pmto get her for 330pm.
that was going well, but now......he just will not go down an earlier than 1115am/1130 and he will give me a 2 hour(sometimes more), and then i have to wake him ( 130pm) to drop her-so we run a little late.
my question is, will he stay at this for a while? what happens when he goes down later eg midday ish, he will only get 1.5 hour or less, can someone give me a heads up? that would be grand!
at present he goes down at 630pm and wakes 645am-710am.
thank you xx