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Offline burrisfam1

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Twins BF and Expressing/Formula
« on: July 17, 2012, 03:55:44 am »
First off I apologize if there is another post on this topic but I couldn't find naything and the search is broken.

I'm expecting twins.  I have 3 older kids that I nursed for 12-18 months each without major problems.  I plan to breastfeed the twins but am getting alot of interesting feedback from 'that's not possible' to 'are you insane?'. 

My questions are:
Has anyone here with twins BF'd and expressed so someone else could help with a feed or use a bottle for the dreamfeed? 
Has anyone tried a combo of BFing and formula?  Nursing one at a time while feeding the other baby a formula bottle and switching each feed?

I'm happy to hear from any moms currently/or have in the past BF twins and what your best advice is.


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Re: Twins BF and Expressing/Formula
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2012, 04:34:23 am »
Hi! And congrats on your upcoming twinfants ;D You've come to a great place :)

I was a new mom when I had my twins and didn't have a lot of support for bf'ing so I lasted only six weeks and I did both exclusive bf'ing, expressing and combination ff/bf.

The best advice I had heard came from my former Dr who also had twins. She would bf one while her dh would bottle feed expressed milk to the other. After she would finish feeding one with one side, she would express the other side. They also used some formula and I *think* the formula was more for dream feeds as that's when her supply would dip and it was hard to express at that point of the day.

I learned a lot quickly and regret giving up when I did, but I know that if I had support I probably could have done a lot longer with it. Do you have a lactation consultant available? I would highly reccomend getting in touch with one. You CAN ebf or combo feed just as long as you did your other los. Yes, it's more challenging bf'ing two but you do have the great experience of having bf'd three previous children. You know SO much already :)

I have a friend who exclusively breastfed her twins up to age one. She did one at a time and was very fortunate not to have had any issues with latching or thrush. It is possible and your body is more than capable. Just smile when people ask if you're insane :P You'll get a lot of funny comments when you have your twins.

Hopefully more jump on here, but definitely get in touch with a LC in your area and make sure you are on top of any bf'ing challenges.

Best of luck!
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

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Re: Twins BF and Expressing/Formula
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2012, 11:01:24 am »
Welcome and congratulations!  Like Vicki said, there are mums who EBF twins successfully.  Do you have a local multiples support group?  As well as a BF support/LC, you might be able to get some tips there and not feel quite so bonkers if you can tell those that are trying to make you feel that way that you've met others who are doing it.

Personally I'm not sure there's that much difference in BF or FF twins - you either do them one at a time or find a way to do it together.  At least there's not double the washing up if you BF ;)
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Re: Twins BF and Expressing/Formula
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2012, 11:11:58 am »
My Neighbour had twins last year & she EBF both of them for 4 months. She had a 20mo DD as well & found that it was actually easier to BF them at the same time. She kind of set them up so they were one in cradle hold & the other in football hold under her arm... it was pretty amazing to see her feed & read the 20mo a story all at the same time.

I also know another Mum of twins who had 2 older children & bought a special twin BF pillow ( had it sent from the US) & totally EBF her twins until they were 2yo... they never had formula & I think she only started giving expressed milk in a cup as she didn't ever use bottles... so I know it is possible, just a lot more of a juggling act.

I also heard of a friend whose cousin had triplets & she actually managed to mostly BF them... she would feed & express & one of the 3 would get a bottle at each feed.

I think if you have BF before & know many of the tricks it is easier.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

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Re: Twins BF and Expressing/Formula
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2012, 11:16:03 am »
My friend BF her twins to 1YO with no issues.  She did express for DF and/or NFs so she could get a break but once she was in the swing of things she said it worked well. 

{{{hugs}}} It is daunting enough without people telling you it can't be done. 

Offline burrisfam1

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Re: Twins BF and Expressing/Formula
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2012, 14:33:55 pm »
Thanks everyone for the responses.  I haven't tried a lactation consultant yet.  I did try a LaLeche league member and we're set to meet soon.  I also looked for a multiple group in our area and unfortunately it disbanded a couple years back.  I thought about trying to get it back going but my plate is full enough at this point so I've just been searching for other moms of multiples I might find advice from individually.

I think part of the battle is going in with a postive attitude and the feeling that I CAN DO THIS.   :D

We're going in today and hopefully find out the sex of the bambinos! ;D


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Re: Twins BF and Expressing/Formula
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2012, 21:01:31 pm »
Exciting stuff!

You CAN do this!  Go, you!
*** Amanda ***

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Re: Twins BF and Expressing/Formula
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2012, 14:05:22 pm »
Hi there, I have an IRL friend with two sets of twins, the first set she bf until about a year, though with lots of supplementation.  Her second set she EBF, no supplementation with formula, and she finally weaned them from the breast around 2.5 years.  She said the major difference was just going in with the attitude that she COULD do it and that her body could make what her boys needed.  I know a few people who have nursed twins (both here and IRL) and they have all said that having the attitude that you can do it (and not listening to those who say it's not possible) is they key.  Good luck!

Offline Ammvm

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Re: Twins BF and Expressing/Formula
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2012, 01:01:31 am »
Congratulations on your twins!  Mine are 5 months, and I have EBF them to date.  It is totally possible!  I think every day I was pregnant I would say, "I WILL nurse these babies."  It was the one thing I really wanted to be able to do for them.  I think you have to mentally be prepared. My son had problems latching on, but we just kept working with him until he got it.  It's a little tricky figuring it all out, but every day it just gets easier and easier.  I told my husband and my mom to just keep supporting me if I got frustrated. 

I have found that it's quickest to feed them at the same time, but you need a helper to hand you the babies and take them when they are done. 

I was lucky that I didn't have any supply issues.  I pumped alot in the beginning to help establish my supply.  Once the babies dropped a night feeding, I would still wake up and pump.  I would also pump after 2 or 3 feedings and built up a little supply so that my husband could give them a bottle in the middle of the night so I could sleep.

Let me know if you have any other questions.  But yes, it's TOTALLY possible!

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Re: Twins BF and Expressing/Formula
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2012, 01:02:19 am »
Good luck  :)

Offline Sezzle

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Re: Twins BF and Expressing/Formula
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2012, 05:33:52 am »
Hi there! 
Congratulations on your twin pregnancy, how exciting for you! I am mummy to twin boys who are 26 months old and are still breastfeeding!  They were born prematurely (25 weekers) so i started out expressing for 3 months until they were old enough and strong enough to take milk through breastfeed instead of nasogastric feeding.  Once they came home i continued expressing and breastfeeding, so they were given one bottle per day of expressed breast milk and otherwise breastfed.  After a few weeks i stopped giving them bottles as it was easier just to breastfeed and not have to worry about expressing so much.  But i did continue epressing a little as i was sometimes giving EBM by bottle as a top up.  Due to good supply i never needed to give formula.
I tried twin feeding (both breastfeeding at the same time) but due to reflux and constantly coming on and off the breast i found it easier to single feed, one after the other when they were little.  As they got older i was able to feed both at the same time and found it much faster.  I used a twin breastfeeding pillow which was very helpful once i started doing some twin feeding. 
I was lucky and did not have any low supply issues/mastitis/thrush etc, and other than their difficult beginning, have been very lucky to have a relatively easy time breastfeeding.
So it is totally possible if you want to do it!  I suggest you surround yourself with people who will be supportive and encouraging with your wishes to breastfeed as it will take time and hard work to establish.  There is plenty of help and support out there, Im in Australia and used the Australian breastfeeding association hotline, and a multiple birth online forum for help and support.  And have since met some wonderful muliple mummies who have been helpful too. 
All the best of luck!!   

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Re: Twins BF and Expressing/Formula
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2012, 13:25:28 pm »
It's lovely to see so many lovely twin BF mummies in one place :)
*** Amanda ***

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Re: Twins BF and Expressing/Formula
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2012, 19:05:02 pm »
Wow well done to all you mummies BFing twins!  Amazing!!!