Hi I'm sorry for this post but I'm really At the end of my teather, I'm struggling to cope and need some desperate advice . My lo is 4 m and up an average of 6-8 times a night still.
Background is this, I did easy with my toddler which worked well, tried to do it with Imogen from day one , struggle for 3 m but she was always very unhappy, only drinking 2-3oz, even at 3 m and really bad trapped wind, spending hours screaming. Eventually discovered she had a tongue tie we had snipped and she instantly started drinking more, av 5-6 pz per bottle. She is happier when awake but still up all night, I'm totally exhausted.
I have got strict now things seem to have settled down, but naps are often a problem she often wakes after 20/30/40 mins . I've rebooked at bw book and think maybe she needed to move to a 4 hr routine , I've done this but she still wakes up through the night loads.
For example last night
Bath bottle bed at 7.30, awake 10am before we did the dream feed so she has milk 3oz , back up 1.20, 1,50 gave her milk 3oz, up 2.20, 2.50, 3.30, 3.50, eventually went back until 6am then hubby had to sit with hand on her till 7 when she woke.
I really can't carry on but have no idea what to do, my brain is mashed !
Please please help
Thanks xxxxx