Author Topic: FIrst Child 13 month old son...We Need Help!  (Read 749 times)

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Offline CadensMommy8

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FIrst Child 13 month old son...We Need Help!
« on: August 26, 2012, 21:33:22 pm »
Hello everyone I am new on here....I have a 13 month old son...who will not sleep in his crib at all he will manage to sleep in pack n play next to bed for partial of of the night but this is it, I read about the PU PD method, but we have tried alot...Anybody have any suggestions?

Offline Bex09

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Re: FIrst Child 13 month old son...We Need Help!
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2012, 22:09:20 pm »
Hi there and welcome to BW. :)

How does your DS fall asleep? Is he rocked or held by you or DH? Where does he sleep when he isn't in the pack n play? It sounds like he needs to get used to being in his crib so maybe you could put him in there during the day and play with him and his toys, read books, etc. Then you can start popping out of the room for short times leaving him playing as he gets more used to being in there.

PU/PD is usually for babies under a year old but may work. It would only really be PD at this age though. Here is a link to help with that...

What sorts of things have you already tried to help with this? GW may work best at this age. I did this with my DD at 14 mo as she was still being held to sleep and it worked wonders.

Offline CadensMommy8

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Re: FIrst Child 13 month old son...We Need Help!
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2012, 02:43:54 am »
I would say 90 åercent of thr time he is rocked bc that is the only way...what is gw also just tried to let him cry it out...or fall asldep with us thfm put him away..the olayumg in the crib siunds like a great idea

Offline Bex09

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Re: FIrst Child 13 month old son...We Need Help!
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2012, 08:35:08 am »
Seeing as you have previously tried CIO (cry it out) then I would think that your DS will need a gentle approach to help him regain trust that he isn't going to be left again. That, along with the prop of being rocked to sleep is most probably what is causing him to NW and need you so much.

We can come up with a plan though so don't worry!  :) I would start getting him used to his crib as I sugested above by letting him play in there with you sat next to him in the day for short times. Once he is ok going in there and happy with books/toys you can start tidying in his room, putting washing away, etc so you are not right next to him. Then you can start popping out and coming straight back, then lengthen the time that you are gone.

Then it would be a good idea to get him used to falling asleep on his own and wean the rocking if you are ready for that? This will mean that when your DS wakes in the night between sleep cycles he will be able to resettle himself and not need you to rock him. GW is Gradual Withdrawl and is a gentle sleep training method that works well with toddlers. Basically you start putting DS down in the crib awake but sleepy and you stay right there with him until he falls aslleep. You can rub his back, shushing/soothing him in any way that works, he will cry but you are right there with him so he won't feel abandoned or scared. He will be protesting because you are changing the rules.

Then as DS gets used to this you can start taking your hand away and just sit by the crib and use your voice to calm. Then every couple of days you move further away until you are sitting in the doorway until he falls asleep. Then you can walk out of the door and DS will fall asleep on his own. ;D What do you think?