Author Topic: 4 hr EASY cold turkey??!!!  (Read 917 times)

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Offline hkgirlo

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4 hr EASY cold turkey??!!!
« on: August 22, 2012, 01:31:29 am »
My daughter is 18 weeks old and has been on a 3 hr easy but I have been feeding her on demand when I think she might want to eat- maybe too often. She was napping 45 min, and having 1.5-2 hr A times. I went cold turkey today into a 4 hr EASY because a few times now she has woken and had a full 1.5-2hr wake time after we have put her to bed. She, for example, has gone to bed at 7, woke at 7:45 and stayed up til 9:30. So we went with the four hour EASY today with 2 naps and a cat nap. She ate more at her feeds :) and seemed fine for most of the day. Any problem with doing it cold turkey? We have kind of been transitioning with A times getting a bit longer, but not incremental as suggested in the threads. Thoughts? Here is how today looked:

W 745/ E 750
A 745-935 (1 hr 50 min)
S 935-1125- (1hr 50 min) (10:20 awake, went in rocked/held until 10:45, put back in crib asleep)

E 1143 (6 min)
A 1125-120 (1 hr 55 min)
S 120-210 (50 min)

A 210-410
E 320-335 (15 min)
S 410-455 (45 min)

E 635 (10 min)
A 455-710 (2 hr 15 min)
S- 710- hopefully not going to wake up tonight!

DF 1000
- havent done the DF yet, but will at 10-1030 pm

Offline hkgirlo

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Re: 4 hr EASY cold turkey??!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2012, 01:34:29 am »
I also have to add that she is EBF, a very efficient eater and before today would eat about 4-5 minutes at at time- I was astonished when she ate for 15 and 10 min so I am keeping my fingers crossed that this may help with night time...she usually wakes to eat 1-2 times a night.

Offline British Coaster

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Re: 4 hr EASY cold turkey??!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2012, 09:21:41 am »
Hiya, we did a bit of both, we did a slow transition over 2 weeks to get to a 4 hour EASY for the first half of the day, and were planning a slow transition for the afternoon also, eeking out A & S times slowly.  But - we abandoned this idea and wend cold turkey for the afternoons based on LO's cues and it worked great for us.  Good luck with it :)

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Re: 4 hr EASY cold turkey??!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2012, 16:52:31 pm »
There is a bit of a risk that she will get OT from increasing the A all at once, but maybe not... I know, that's not a very definite answer but there isn't one really, it's so different from baby to baby. IIWY I'd try it for a few more days and if she *is* getting tired then you can go back to her A time and increase it slower. You don't need to do it by 5min increments, you can do it also by 15min to make it quicker.
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