Author Topic: First Birthday  (Read 5836 times)

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Offline okinawamama

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Re: First Birthday
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2012, 03:32:30 am »
Amelia got a radio flyer wagon that still gets used daily!
Ooh, is it the Radio Flyer push wagon?! We got that for my son as a walker (to assist in learning how to walk) and he loved it and is still gets daily use!

We also got DS1 a sand/water table around that age and it has been one of, if not THE most popular toy we own!
toddler A 3/16/2009
baby B 4/20/2011

Offline nona

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Re: First Birthday
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2012, 03:48:25 am »
we also have the push wagon - it is so cute!

i have no idea what to do for DD for her 1 year so curious what everyone suggests for anna. ( i have 6 more months to think about it!) i hope to get more memory type gifts  - like i would love if someone would make her a book with pictures of the family, etc or get her a  wooden step stool or puzzle with her name

Offline Nauvoo

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Re: First Birthday
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2012, 05:19:14 am »
DD2 will be a year old next month as well and she is totally in love with baby dolls.  We have loads seeing how DD1 somehow accumulated about 10 of them :o (recently I gave some away because it was ridiculous).  DD loves baby dolls especially the ones with the hands she can put in her mouth and the eyes that close just fascinate her.  She hugs them and rocks them and she has a little stroller she pushes them in.  We have 2 very large life size babies, I mean life size in that you'd mistake them for a real baby (given to us, very long story) and DD really really loves these.  She doesn't like the babies that aren't life like though, the ones that are all cloth and no plastic.  The more like a baby it is the more she seems to like them.
We also have a nylon tunnel that came with the nylon tent DD1 has and DD2 loves to crawl in and out of it.  hides in it and loves to figure it out.;jsessionid=447B13DF3F2249701F54308EB68FC8AA?cagpspn=pla&cmpid=Google_G_US_Meijer_eCom_PLA_Toys
« Last Edit: September 10, 2012, 05:21:43 am by Nauvoo »
DD1 (1/09)
DD2 (10/11)
DD3 (3/15)

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