I dont even know how it happened.
2 weeks ago, dd started shortening the afternoon nap so her day was something like this
7am wake
E milk in sippy and breakfast
S 11am-12.30
E lunch
S 3.30-4 (had to wake her)
E dinner and pudding
E bottle before bed
S 6.45
We have recently dropped the mid afternoon milk bottle (1 month ago) and switched from nutramigen to cows milk (8 weeks ago we started the wean, it went so well, since about 5 weeks ago she's had ordinary milk all the time)
She is teething molars, the first two came about 5 weeks ago, and the bottom one is breaking the gum since 3 days ago. Weve been med'ing occasionally, but not every 4 hours by any stretch, maybe once a day?
routine right now is a complete mess. pretty sure she's in an OT loop.
Yesterday for example:
5.55 wakeup
talking in crib for an hour before we went to get her
sleep 10.05 (at 2nd yawn, started rubbing her eyes so she was def tired) she went down nicely, but couldnt settle properly
awake 10.40 (crying, calling mama and reaching up when we went in...all snuffly. Got out the karvol and tried to resettle, but it didnt happen)
lunch at 12
13.00 sleep, again settled fine and at 1.30 she was up again, this time not crying,just mooching round in crib.
6.30 bed.
NW's at 7.15, 8pm, 8.40, 1.15am (took about 15 min to settle her in crib with my hand on her back. if i attempted to leave she popped back up and cried!!), 2.10
awake for day at 6.20am
ugh. What should i do to try and get this back to normal?
tia lili xx