Author Topic: 7 MO waking every 2-3 hours  (Read 1114 times)

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Offline Straffles

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7 MO waking every 2-3 hours
« on: September 03, 2012, 21:54:46 pm »
My 7MO woke last night at 8.46pm, 11pm, 2.20am and 5.20am. I bf him each time and put him back in the cot.

He normally wakes for 2 feeds a night, occasionally 1.

What is going on? We had a great day with naps (going through constant routine tweaks atm), no signs of teething or other discomfort; generally very happy baby.

No crawling, sitting up or other obvious developmental stuff. Nothing at all I can put my finger on. The previous night was a bit poor with a third wake/early wake but I'd put that down to a bad pm nap.

I thought the next wonder week was at 37!?

Please help if you've had any experience of this. I'm soooo exhausted.


Offline becj86

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Re: 7 MO waking every 2-3 hours
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2012, 23:23:06 pm »
Is he eating more during the day? Maybe a growth spurt?

Have you got your period coming back or gone on birth control? Just before AF returns, you get a spike in progesterone which can drop supply...

How was he behaving when he woke?

Offline Straffles

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Re: 7 MO waking every 2-3 hours
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2012, 01:11:37 am »
Thanks for that info becj86.

Yes, could be a growth spurt. He's been coming on leaps and bounds with BLW, really seems into food and is definitely swallowing. Also I have increased bf feeds by two during the day and he seems to want it.

Also thinking it could be teething. He has been getting increasingly fussy during the day. We actually gave him paracetamol before naps yesterday because he seemed so unhappy. Don't know if it was the right thing to do or not, but it's done now. Lots of ear pulling and biting hard on everything and I think I see tiny little white bumps on the gum, even a tiny hole there?

He was pretty vocal/crying/protesting when he woke, but needed the feed to get back to sleep. At least he went back to sleep!

Last night was a lot better. How long does teething go on for?? How do you know for sure, or when to medicate. I feel awful giving him drugs like that just cos he's crying and I'm afraid he won't sleep :(

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Re: 7 MO waking every 2-3 hours
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2012, 01:49:09 am »
tiny little white bumps on the gum, even a tiny hole there?
That sounds like teeth cutting. It does hurt and medicating for teething pain is like you taking pain killers when you have a toothache - its for comfort, you're not going to die without it or anything, but it makes life much more pleasant.

Teething can be quick and it can take ages - it depends on the child, the tooth, etc. DS had the first 8 teeth in pretty quickly but molars and canines have taken/are taking ages. We've had sleep disruptions for as little as 1-2 nights and as much as 5 weeks and counting (canines).

Offline Straffles

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Re: 7 MO waking every 2-3 hours
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2012, 05:04:23 am »
Thanks again, that's really helpful. So it IS teething at last! Just hope it's a quick one.

I didn't realise how tired I would be before I had a baby! Or ho anxious about how well or not he sleeps. Driving me crazy!

Offline becj86

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Re: 7 MO waking every 2-3 hours
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2012, 08:50:40 am »
I didn't realise how tired I would be before I had a baby!
Most people say you have to experience it before you can really know, because there's nothing to compare it to ;)

Hopefully those teeth come through quickly!