Yea, I know the move was probably hard for her...major environment change. The doc told me to do "tough love" after about a week in our new place, but I just can't do that. We've been here now for over a month so I'm so ready for some sleep!
Here is where we are:
630am..wake, nurse
-walk by 8 am and she often falls asleep for about 30-40 minutes of it.
**there have been a few times where she's blessed me with sleep after her 4 am feed until 7am, and I've deviated from this bc I Just had to sleep.
1030am nurse
At about 130-2pm she will nap until about 330pm. By me on the couch or on my chest ( we try for the couch). I'd love the curb, but I tried that before for three days..each day, she screamed for 1.5 hours as we did pu/pd, and then it was time to nurse again.
330pm, wake, nurse
530 or 6pm, dinner
7:15 pm nurse one side...then diaper change....then nurse the other side. I started adding the diaper change in between sides in effort to put her to bed awake...Doesn't always work...on the rare times it works, I have to rock her until she's drowsy again...then out her down in the crib, she pops back up, so we rock again and then I out her down again, etc. my back was just breaking with the pu/pd.
She will wake and sit up a few times...around 830 and 930... I pop the pacifier in, and shush her. She gives this weird squeal cry. She's got a squeal she laughs at during the day so maybe she's dreaming about that...?
12or 1230am...she wakes, stands and cries. I go right in, Nurse to sleep.
4 or 430am..same thing..nurse to sleep...Much harder to settle...she will wake several times after and needs help settling (rock, passy, etc).
It's a work in progress...she seems to keep the four hour schedule all night. .I'm just so exhausted!,, it's like I get up at 4am everyday as I don't really get back to sleep.
I plan to nurse her earlier for a few days to see if that helps. I'm just at a loss. shes so happy all day...
I truly appreciate all of your advice!